Tangerine PNG

Tangerine PNG

This is a sortable list of all young ponies, or foals, which have been mentioned or appear in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. Official names are in bold. These names are mentioned in the show, in Hasbro's toy line, or stated by the show's crew. Names that are not in bold are placeholder names which are unofficial and are decided according to the placeholder names policy. Names in gray are up for vote. Colors and times are approximate.

The table can be sorted by clicking the icon in one of the top row cells.

Name K G C M E F Description and appearances Image Apple Bloom earth earth filly filly hsl(063, 94%, 81%) ¤ hsl(343, 95%, 61%) ¤ hsl(040, 88%, 66%) ¤ 1
39 See Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom ID S6E4.png Scootaloo pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(035, 100%, 70%) ¤ hsl(326, 57%, 63%) ¤ hsl(276, 34%, 53%) ¤ 1
23 See Scootaloo. Scootaloo ID S6E4.png Sweetie Belle unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(320, 9%, 94%) ¤ hsl(282, 29%, 66%) ¤ hsl(104, 40%, 69%) ¤ 1
23 See Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle ID S6E4.png Babs Seed earth earth filly filly hsl(035, 73%, 58%) ¤ hsl(350, 86%, 62%) ¤ hsl(077, 69%, 60%) ¤ 3
27 See Babs Seed. Babs Seed ID MLP Facebook.png Biscuit earth earth colt colt hsl(351, 70%, 58%) ¤ hsl(212, 58%, 59%) ¤ hsl(52, 76%, 74%) ¤ 9
22 Appears in Growing Up is Hard to Do attending the Appleloosa County Fair with Spur, the grown-up Cutie Mark Crusaders, and his pet Bloofy. His body design matches those of young Burnt Oak, Star Tracker, Sandbar, and Pistachio. Theorized by Jim Miller to be Spur's cousin. He is a character in Gameloft's mobile game, and acts as an enemy minion during the "Growing Up is Hard to Do" event. His bio states, "Co-caretaker of an adorably bloofy creature, along with Spur. Maintains a hooves-off attitude to pet ownership." His cutie mark is a pie with a bite taken out of it. Voiced by Connor Parnell. Biscuit ID S9E22.png Chipcutter pegasus pegasus colt colt hsl(285, 2%, 66%) ¤ hsl(233, 42%, 88%) ¤ hsl(209, 49%, 62%) ¤ 7
57 Appears in Forever Filly receiving help with a cutie mark problem from the Cutie Mark Crusaders and getting his cutie mark. Also appears in Fame and Misfortune and The Last Crusade and is pictured in The Break Up Break Down. Shares his mane and tail style and eye color with S09E06 Unnamed Earth Colt #1. He is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. Enterplay collectible card game Friends Forever #4 C lists his name with a trademark symbol. His cutie mark is a hammer and chisel. Voiced by Graham Verchere. Chipcutter ID S7E6.png Coconut Cream earth earth filly filly hsl(200, 26%, 93%) ¤ hsl(296, 63%, 74%) ¤ hsl(49, 83%, 63%) ¤ 7
11 See Toola Roola and Coconut Cream. Coconut Cream ID S7E14.png Cozy Glow pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(2, 73%, 90%) ¤ hsl(185, 66%, 77%) ¤ hsl(8, 80%, 43%) ¤ 8
20 See Cozy Glow. Cozy Glow ID S8E12.png Diamond Tiara earth earth filly filly hsl(296, 84%, 85%) ¤ hsl(288, 59%, 58%) ¤ hsl(197, 71%, 73%) ¤ 1
04 See Diamond Tiara. Diamond Tiara ID S5E18.png Featherweight pegasus pegasus colt colt hsl(060, 66%, 87%) ¤ hsl(030, 46%, 41%) ¤ hsl(034, 36%, 52%) ¤ 2
15 See Featherweight. Featherweight flying CROPPED S2E23.png Flurry Heart Alicorn Alicorn filly filly hsl(300, 46%, 95%) ¤ hsl(322, 72%, 72%) ¤ hsl(173, 84%, 76%) ¤ 5
See Flurry Heart. Flurry Heart ID S6E1.png Kettle Corn earth earth filly filly hsl(51, 74%, 71%) ¤ hsl(335, 79%, 68%) ¤ hsl(144, 56%, 66%) ¤ 7
01 Appears in Marks and Recreation as a camper at the Cutie Mark Crusaders' Cutie Mark Day Camp. Also appears in The Last Laugh. Resembles Vignette Valencia. Her cutie mark is a blue quill and black leaves. Voiced by Lili Beaudoin. She is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. Enterplay collectible card game Friends Forever #27 C lists her name with a trademark symbol. Kettle Corn ID S7E21.png Li'l Cheese earth earth colt colt hsl(54, 94%, 80%) ¤ hsl(325, 79%, 72%) ¤ hsl(113, 54%, 46%) ¤ 9
26 Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich's future son in The Last Problem. Shares his design and eye color with "Blueberry Swirl" and his design with curly-haired filly Pinkie Pie. Jim Miller stated regarding Li'l Cheese, "He was just referred to as Little[sic] Cheese in the script, but I personally like Cheese Slice." "Colt." "Nope. He's just super cute!" "No, he's noted as a colt in the script." He is a character named "Lil Cheese" in Gameloft's mobile game, in which he is identified as a filly. Lil Cheese's bio states "This future filly will have inherited twice the chaotic party energy of any average pony...which is honestly a little intimidating, but EXTREMELY charming." His cutie mark is a slice of cheese pie. Li'l Cheese ID S9E26.png Petunia Paleo earth earth filly filly hsl(177, 60%, 78%) ¤ hsl(211, 38%, 55%) ¤ hsl(248, 28%, 45%) ¤ 6
08 See Paleo family. Petunia Paleo ID S6E19.png Pipsqueak earth earth colt colt hsl(000, 0%, 100%) ¤ hsl(024, 50%, 28%) ¤ hsl(009, 51%, 18%) ¤ 2
55 See Pipsqueak. Pipsqueak ID S4E15.png Pistachio earth earth colt colt hsl(63, 81%, 89%) ¤ hsl(91, 47%, 50%) ¤ hsl(90, 61%, 46%) ¤ BGE
05 A fashion-inclined acorn farmer who appears in My Little Pony Best Gift Ever as Oak Nut and Butternut's son. Human world Pistachio appears in Twilight Sparkle's Science Fair Sparks. His body design matches those of young Burnt Oak, Star Tracker, Sandbar, and Biscuit. He is a character in Gameloft's mobile game; his bio states, "This fashion-loving farmcolt always felt he was destined for bigger dreams -- and a chance meeting with Rarity showed him just what they were." His cutie mark is a pistachio plant. Voiced by Sean Thomas. Pistachio ID MLPBGE.png Plaid Stripes earth earth filly filly hsl(31, 84%, 67%) ¤ hsl(276, 43%, 51%) ¤ hsl(325, 98%, 35%) ¤ 6
32 See Mr. Stripes and Plaid Stripes. Plaid Stripes ID S6E9.png Pound Cake pegasus pegasus colt colt hsl(052, 92%, 90%) ¤ hsl(030, 39%, 35%) ¤ hsl(021, 31%, 21%) ¤ 2
21 See Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake. Pound Cake smiling ID S2E13.png Pumpkin Cake unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(060, 83%, 76%) ¤ hsl(031, 100%, 56%) ¤ hsl(211, 64%, 53%) ¤ 2
21 See Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake. Pumpkin Cake smiling ID S2E13.png Rumble pegasus pegasus colt colt hsl(213, 17%, 89%) ¤ hsl(219, 16%, 33%) ¤ hsl(273, 27%, 61%) ¤ 2
15 See Rumble. Rumble ID S7E21.png Sandbar earth earth colt colt hsl(78, 87%, 85%) ¤ hsl(180, 65%, 62%) ¤ hsl(150, 63%, 74%) ¤ EGFF
49 See Sandbar. Sandbar ID S8E2.png Silver Spoon earth earth filly filly hsl(210, 14%, 53%) ¤ hsl(000, 0%, 77%) ¤ hsl(288, 59%, 58%) ¤ 1
04 See Silver Spoon. Silver Spoon ID S4E15.png Skeedaddle unicorn unicorn colt colt hsl(230, 81%, 89%) ¤ hsl(195, 72%, 39%) ¤ hsl(237, 35%, 48%) ¤ 7
38 Appears in Marks and Recreation as a camper at the Cutie Mark Crusaders' Cutie Mark Day Camp. Voiced by Zach Leblanc. He is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. Skeedaddle ID S7E21.png Smallfry earth earth colt colt hsl(206, 41%, 48%) ¤ hsl(196, 64%, 71%) ¤ hsl(222, 63%, 31%) ¤ PL1
02 A big fan of Rainbow Dash's in the My Little Pony: Pony Life episode The Best of the Worst. Voiced by Tabitha St. Germain. Smallfry ID PLS1E2a.png Snails unicorn unicorn colt colt hsl(044, 68%, 56%) ¤ hsl(158, 46%, 55%) ¤ hsl(000, 0%, 0%) ¤ 1
46 See Snails. Snails ID S1E06.png Snips unicorn unicorn colt colt hsl(174, 34%, 70%) ¤ hsl(031, 73%, 47%) ¤ hsl(000, 0%, 0%) ¤ 1
46 See Snips. Snips talks to Spike ID S1E06.png Spur pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(26, 47%, 41%) ¤ hsl(167, 56%, 54%) ¤ hsl(165, 90%, 62%) ¤ 9
22 Appears in Growing Up is Hard to Do attending the Appleloosa County Fair with Biscuit, the grown-up Cutie Mark Crusaders, and her pet Bloofy. Her body design matches those of later filly Fluttershy, "Pearly Whites", Plaid Stripes, Crystal Hoof, later filly Applejack, later filly Derpy, "Thunderstruck", later filly Pear Butter, and S09E14 Unnamed Earth Filly #1. Theorized by Jim Miller to be Biscuit's cousin. She is a character in Gameloft's mobile game, and serves as a boss with a story role during the "Growing Up is Hard to Do" event. Her bio states, "Co-caretaker of an adorably bloofy creature, along with Biscuit--and is actually responsible about it, too." Her cutie mark is a boot with a spur. Voiced by Rebecca Husain. Spur ID S9E22.png Star Tracker earth earth colt colt hsl(233, 23%, 51%) ¤ hsl(53, 91%, 75%) ¤ hsl(212, 80%, 64%) ¤ 7
41 Appears in Once Upon a Zeppelin as a passenger on Iron Will's Cruise of the Princesses Experience and the winner of a raffle to spend a day with Twilight Sparkle. Also appears in The Last Problem. His body design matches those of young Burnt Oak, Sandbar, Pistachio, and Biscuit. His cutie mark is a gold star and three yellow horseshoes. Voiced by Zach Leblanc. He is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. Not to be confused with S07E14 Unnamed Unicorn Stallion #1. Star Tracker ID S7E22.png Tender Taps earth earth colt colt hsl(29, 87%, 66%) ¤ hsl(284, 35%, 50%) ¤ hsl(283, 42%, 57%) ¤ 6
17 See Tender Taps. Tender Taps ID S6E4.png Toola Roola earth earth filly filly hsl(320, 58%, 88%) ¤ hsl(3, 69%, 58%) ¤ hsl(168, 74%, 72%) ¤ 7
07 See Toola Roola and Coconut Cream. Toola Roola ID S7E14.png Twist earth earth filly filly hsl(039, 85%, 95%) ¤ hsl(348, 83%, 47%) ¤ hsl(300, 100%, 50%) ¤ 1
04 See Twist. Twist smiles ID S1E12.png Wind Sprint pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(251, 49%, 78%) ¤ hsl(218, 57%, 61%) ¤ hsl(324, 39%, 70%) ¤ 9
30 See Clear Sky and Wind Sprint. Wind Sprint ID S9E6.png Zipporwhill pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(060, 83%, 93%) ¤ hsl(049, 45%, 46%) ¤ hsl(136, 100%, 80%) ¤ 4
05 See Zipporwhill. Zipporwhill ID S4E14.png Apple Bud earth earth hsl(060, 75%, 75%) ¤ hsl(135, 70%, 39%) ¤ black ¤ 3
10 Seen in Apple Family Reunion in one of the Apple family photos and on mystery pack wave 13 box artwork and a post card. Color palette is similar to that of Apple Fritter. Apple Bud closeup ID S3E8.png Apple Crumble earth earth filly filly hsl(036, 58%, 55%) ¤ hsl(090, 64%, 71%) ¤ hsl(117, 32%, 49%) ¤ 3
23 An Apple family member who appears in Apple Family Reunion, where she is enthusiastically greeted by Winona, in Games Ponies Play, and in Simple Ways. Shares her design with "Apple Squash" and "Lemon Scratch", her mane style with "Tornado Bolt", Cotton Cloudy, and "Princess Erroria", her color scheme with Apple Brown Betty, and her coat and eye colors with "Apple Top". She has no cutie mark. Apple Crumble ID S3E8.png Apple Flora earth earth filly filly hsl(059, 57%, 74%) ¤ hsl(215, 42%, 67%) ¤ hsl(357, 36%, 53%) ¤ 3
16 See Apple Flora & Candy Caramel Tooth. Apple Flora ID S3E8.png Apple Mint earth earth filly filly hsl(127, 46%, 78%) ¤ hsl(055, 63%, 78%) ¤ hsl(279, 18%, 44%) ¤ 3
25 An Apple family member who appears in Apple Family Reunion, in a picture in Pinkie Apple Pie, in Equestria Games, and in Stranger Than Fan Fiction. Shares her design with "Piña Colada", Aura, "Noi", and Candy Caramel Tooth, and her color scheme with Apple Honey. Apple Mint ID S3E8.png Apple Squash earth earth filly filly hsl(042, 71%, 64%) ¤ hsl(090, 58%, 44%) ¤ hsl(024, 67%, 64%) ¤ 3
07 An Apple family member who appears in Apple Family Reunion as one of the cousins competing against Apple Bloom and Babs Seed. Shares her design with "Apple Crumble" and "Lemon Scratch", her mane style with "Tornado Bolt", Cotton Cloudy, and "Princess Erroria", her color scheme with Apple Pie, and her coat and mane colors with "Bushel". Apple Squash ID S3E8.png Future Apple Foal
Big Sugar earth earth colt colt hsl(300, 33%, 55%) ¤ hsl(34, 85%, 75%) ¤ hsl(112, 57%, 42%) ¤ 9
26 Big McIntosh and Sugar Belle's future son in The Last Problem. Jim Miller stated regarding "the name of Sugar Belle's and Big Mac's son", "We never came up with one. Big Sugar? Fans will come up with something much better than that!" He is a character in Gameloft's mobile game. His cutie mark is a cupcake with an apple slice on top. Big Sugar ID S9E26.png Candy Caramel Tooth earth earth filly filly hsl(347, 47%, 84%) ¤ hsl(090, 70%, 59%) ¤ hsl(114, 36%, 47%) ¤ 3
07 See Apple Flora & Candy Caramel Tooth. Sweet Tooth ID S3E8.png Cinnamon Sugar earth earth filly filly hsl(036, 58%, 55%) ¤ hsl(058, 61%, 80%) ¤ hsl(000, 100%, 100%) ¤ 3
46 Appears very briefly for one shot during the song Raise This Barn in Apple Family Reunion, but is not included in any of the Apple family photos. Shares her design with Apple Flora, "Liberty Belle", "Red June", "Coronet", "Rosy Posy", and sometimes "Pomegranate", her mane style with Liza Doolots, "Dinky Doo", and "Ruby Pinch", and her coat and mane colors with Apple Cobbler and S04E26 Unnamed Earth Stallion #1. Cinnamon Sugar ID S3E8.png Liberty Belle earth earth filly filly hsl(055, 60%, 78%) ¤ hsl(350, 73%, 58%) ¤ hsl(003, 33%, 42%) ¤ 3
45 An Apple family member who appears in Apple Family Reunion, Magical Mystery Cure, and Trade Ya! Has a unicorn horn in one shot at the end of Apple Family Reunion and on WeLoveFine's fan-designed art print "Apple Family Portrait". Shares her design and coat and eye colors with Apple Flora, her design with "Red June", "Coronet", "Rosy Posy", "Cinnamon Sugar", and sometimes "Pomegranate", her mane style with "Ruby Pinch", "Dinky Doo", and Liza Doolots, and her color scheme with Apple Bumpkin. Resembles Apple Sprout, but has a different eye color. She has no cutie mark. Liberty Belle ID S3E8.png Red June earth earth filly filly hsl(006, 46%, 51%) ¤ hsl(090, 67%, 64%) ¤ hsl(129, 37%, 41%) ¤ 3
07 Appears in Apple Family Reunion as one of the cousins competing against Apple Bloom and Babs Seed. Has a unicorn horn in one shot at the end of that episode and on WeLoveFine's fan-designed art print "Apple Family Portrait". Shares her design with "Liberty Belle", Apple Flora, "Coronet", "Rosy Posy", "Cinnamon Sugar", and sometimes "Pomegranate", her mane style with "Ruby Pinch", "Dinky Doo", and Liza Doolots, her color scheme with Apple Cinnamon, and her coat and mane colors with "Apple Bottom". She has no cutie mark. Red June ID S3E8.png Amethyst Beat hsl(252, 78%, 78%) ¤ hsl(320, 88%, 87%) ¤ hsl(000, 100%, 100%) ¤ 2
22 Appears in Ponyville Hospital during Baby Cakes. Wears a tan bonnet. Shares the same design as Pound Cake. Color palette is similar to those of Rainbowshine, S01E14 Unnamed Unicorn Mare #5, "Swirly Cotton", "Rainbow Drop", "Northern Lights", S04E20 Unnamed Pegasus Mare #3, Sweetsong, Star Dasher, and Bright Bridle. Amethyst Beat S02E13.png Apple Bytes earth earth filly filly hsl(291,33%,29%) ¤ hsl(266,40%,31%) ¤ hsl(021,41%,53%) ¤ 2
32 Appears in the background in Hearts and Hooves Day during the song The Perfect Stallion. Her cutie mark is an apple core. She resembles S01E14 Unnamed Earth Mare #7 in color scheme. Apple Bytes ID S2E17.png Aquamarine earth earth filly filly hsl(324, 84%, 83%) ¤ hsl(174, 87%, 47%) ¤ hsl(158, 50%, 57%) ¤ 4
37 Appears in Twilight Time with an individually spoken line after she bedazzles Apple Bloom's bow, Inspiration Manifestation, Crusaders of the Lost Mark, The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows, Scare Master, A Flurry of Emotions, Parental Glideance, Fame and Misfortune, Yakity-Sax, Between Dark and Dawn, and The Last Problem as an adult. Shares her mane style with S05E26 Unnamed Unicorn Filly #2. Her cutie mark is three gems—one teal, one blue, and one purple. Her adult version is a character named "Cyan-Maned Future Townspony" in Gameloft's mobile game. Her bio states "Does Ponyville still have ponies in it in the future? Sure! Some of them are in the background, but that doesn't mean you should ignore them!" She is voiced by Andrea Libman. Aquamarine ID S4E15.png Archer earth earth filly filly hsl(215, 54%, 72%) ¤ hsl(215, 44%, 53%) ¤ hsl(283, 17%, 74%) ¤ 1
04 One of Cheerilee's Ponyville Schoolhouse students in Call of the Cutie. Appears again in the background in Hearts and Hooves Day playing a video game. Also appears as one of Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns students in the second and third episodes of Fundamentals of Magic. A similar pony appears on the IDW comics' Friends Forever Issue #16 page 2. Shares Scootaloo's character design, but without the wings. Her cutie mark is an archer's bow. She also appears in Gameloft's mobile game; she is named by the game's minigame_archer.pvr file containing her texture and a crossed-out Featherweight texture. Archer ID S1E12.png Aura earth earth filly filly hsl(302, 33%, 87%) ¤ hsl(162, 65%, 68%) ¤ hsl(156, 78%, 82%) ¤ 1
40 See Aura. Aura ID S2E6.png Barley Grind earth earth colt colt hsl(37, 32%, 59%) ¤ hsl(32, 35%, 22%) ¤ hsl(202, 60%, 41%) ¤ 6
06 Appears in The Gift of the Maud Pie riding a skateboard through Manehattan. Shares his design with "Hard Rock" and S05E16 Unnamed Earth Colt #3. His cutie mark is a skateboard. Barley Grind ID S6E3.png Bee Bop pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(180, 40%, 66%) ¤ hsl(056, 70%, 64%) ¤ hsl(066, 62%, 74%) ¤ 1
51 She appears in Diamond Tiara's party in Call of the Cutie. She shares the same design and coat and eye colors as "Cyan Skies", the same design and eye color as "Tornado Bolt", the same design as Cotton Cloudy and "Princess Erroria", and a similar color scheme to "Sun Glimmer". Her cutie mark is a lyre. Bee Bop ID S1E12.png Beesting pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(269, 57%, 87%) ¤ hsl(181, 65%, 58%) ¤ hsl(190, 25%, 50%) ¤ 6
31 Appears in Top Bolt as one of Sky Stinger's sisters. Beesting ID S6E24.png Berryjack earth earth filly filly hsl(66, 80%, 90%) ¤ hsl(214, 43%, 31%) ¤ hsl(110, 17%, 52%) ¤ Appears in a re-edited The Cutie Mark Chronicles shot shown in the Explore Equestria promo Come Visit Manehattan! Has the same design as "Fruitbasket", S04E22 Unnamed Earth Filly #1, and earlier filly Applejack. Berryjack ID S1E23.png Poofy-Maned Schoolpony
Blade Runner earth earth colt colt hsl(040, 50%, 98%) ¤ hsl(027, 30%, 39%) ¤ hsl(081, 68%, 86%) ¤ 4
59 Appears in Twilight Time, with an individually spoken line after he shines Scootaloo's hooves, in Brotherhooves Social, in Crusaders of the Lost Mark, in 28 Pranks Later, in A Flurry of Emotions, in Hard to Say Anything, in Fame and Misfortune, in Yakity-Sax, as an adult in The Last Problem, on the season 4 poster, and on the IDW comics' My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #38 pages 1-4 and Issue #47 page 7. Human counterpart appears in Street Magic with Trixie! and Sic Skateboard. His cutie mark is a roller skate. He is voiced by Cathy Weseluck. He is a character called "Poofy-Maned Schoolpony" in Gameloft's mobile game, while his adult form is a character named "Brown-Maned Future Townspony". The game's description of Poofy-Maned Schoolpony states, "Though he brushes his mane with aplomb and rapidity... that's how it looks. We think it's the humidity." The game's description of Brown-Maned Future Townspony states "Does Ponyville still have ponies in it in the future? This should help answer that question." Blade Runner ID S4E15.png Bloo unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(196, 70%, 74%) ¤ hsl(225, 42%, 86%) ¤ hsl(326, 59%, 42%) ¤ 2
18 A young filly cheered up by Pinkie Pie in A Friend in Deed. She shares her design with "Ruby Pinch", "Dinky Doo", Liza Doolots, "Tangerine Twist", "Cerise Bud", and "Firelock", and has a similar color scheme to Shoeshine, Screwy, and S01E14 Unnamed Unicorn Mare #3. Bloo ID S2E18.png Blue Lily earth earth filly filly hsl(310, 56%, 85%) ¤ hsl(196, 45%, 59%) ¤ hsl(269, 48%, 32%) ¤ 6
34 Appears in The Cart Before the Ponies in Rarity's flashback. Shares her design with "Piña Colada", Aura, and "Noi". Blue Lily ID S6E14.png Blueberry Swirl earth earth filly filly hsl(198, 94%, 74%) ¤ hsl(249, 97%, 72%) ¤ hsl(133, 84%, 70%) ¤ 1
04 Appears in The Cutie Mark Chronicles during Rarity's flashback. Shares the same design and eye color as Li'l Cheese, the same design as filly Pinkie Pie with curly hair, and the same color scheme as S04E12 Unnamed Earth Mare #3. Blueberry Swirl ID S1E23.png Bolt earth earth filly filly hsl(194, 14%, 77%) ¤ hsl(250, 22%, 55%) ¤ hsl(029, 7%, 11%) ¤ 1
47 See Roller derby ponies. Bolt ID S1E12.png Clever Schoolpony
Boysenberry earth earth filly filly hsl(063, 100%, 91%) ¤ hsl(293, 74%, 26%) ¤ hsl(320, 66%, 59%) ¤ 4
11 Appears in Twilight Time, Inspiration Manifestation, Slice of Life, Brotherhooves Social, Crusaders of the Lost Mark, The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows, The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2, A Hearth's Warming Tail, 28 Pranks Later, A Flurry of Emotions, Parental Glideance, Fame and Misfortune, Between Dark and Dawn, The Last Problem as an adult, and on the season 4 poster. Shares her design with "Heidi Hay" and filly Candy Apples. Her cutie mark is three bunches of grapes, two purple and one cerise. She is two characters called "Clever Schoolpony" and "Violet-Maned Future Townspony" in Gameloft's mobile game. Clever Schoolpony's bio states, "This pony is known for her excellent braids, but her mane's just a hobby -- she gets real good grades!" Violet-Maned Future Townspony's bio states, "Does Ponyville still have ponies in it in the future? And if not, why is this mare clearly one of them?" Boysenberry ID S4E15.png Pink-Maned Filly
Brown Sugar unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(013, 24%, 63%) ¤ hsl(310, 80%, 88%) ¤ hsl(303, 76%, 82%) ¤ 4
49 Appears in dream flashbacks of Sweetie Belle's fifth birthday party in For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils. Appears in the present day in Inspiration Manifestation, Slice of Life, and Party Pooped. She is a character called "Pink-Maned Filly" (formerly "Pink-Haired Filly") in Gameloft's mobile game. Brown Sugar ID S4E19.png Bubblegum Brush earth earth filly filly hsl(157, 74%, 88%) ¤ hsl(331, 52%, 70%) ¤ hsl(175, 67%, 53%) ¤ 5
39 Appears in Crusaders of the Lost Mark, The Fault in Our Cutie Marks, and Fame and Misfortune as a Ponyville Schoolhouse student. She has embarrassing mane extensions, and her cutie mark is a hairbrush. Bubblegum Brush ID S5E18.png Game-Playin' Schoolpony
Button Mash earth earth colt colt hsl(032, 39%, 49%) ¤ hsl(005, 56%, 42%) ¤ hsl(012, 59%, 56%) ¤ 2
33 See Button Mash. Button Mash ID S5E18.png Caramel Coffee earth earth colt colt hsl(035, 78%, 86%) ¤ hsl(057, 9%, 44%) ¤ hsl(000, 100%, 100%) ¤ 2
20 Waits at the end of one of the lines of foals asking Snips and Snails for autographs in Ponyville Confidential. He shares his design with Strike, "Shady Daze", Button Mash, and "Green Daze". He has no cutie mark. Caramel Coffee ID S2E23.png Big-Mouthed Schoolpony
Carrot Crunch earth earth colt colt hsl(52, 65%, 74%) ¤ hsl(112, 28%, 44%) ¤ hsl(79, 58%, 54%) ¤ 5
41 Appears in Crusaders of the Lost Mark, The Mane Attraction, The Fault in Our Cutie Marks, and Fame and Misfortune as a Ponyville Schoolhouse student. He has larger-than-average teeth, and his cutie mark is three carrots. He is a character called "Big-Mouthed Schoolpony" in Gameloft's mobile game. Carrot Crunch ID S5E18.png Cerise Bud unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(061, 100%, 89%) ¤ hsl(324, 60%, 48%) ¤ hsl(083, 86%, 67%) ¤ 4
55 Appears during The Super Duper Party Pony in Pinkie Pride. Shares her design and mane and eye colors with "Ruby Pinch", and shares her design with "Dinky Doo", Liza Doolots, "Bloo", "Tangerine Twist", and "Firelock". Cerise Bud ID S4E12.png Cheery pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(292, 100%, 94%) ¤ hsl(306, 100%, 85%) ¤ hsl(316, 91%, 79%) ¤ 1
32 Appears in The Cutie Mark Chronicles. Has the same mane style as Liza Doolots, "Dinky Doo", and "Ruby Pinch". Cheery ID S1E23.png Chip Mint pegasus pegasus colt colt hsl(194, 47%, 82%) ¤ hsl(030, 35%, 46%) ¤ hsl(210, 67%, 62%) ¤ 2
19 Smiles at Pinkie Pie when she passes by during the Smile Song in A Friend in Deed, standing next to White Lightning. Also appears in The Last Problem as an adult. Shares his design and eye color with colt "Dumb-Bell" and has a similar color scheme to Blue Buck. His cutie mark is an ice cream cone. Chip Mint ID S2E18.png Chirpy Hooves pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(195, 23%, 76%) ¤ hsl(051, 71%, 73%) ¤ hsl(277, 49%, 62%) ¤ 4
38 Appears at Rainbow Falls in Trade Ya! Shares her design and eye color with Cotton Cloudy, and shares her design with "Tornado Bolt" and "Princess Erroria". Not intended to look like Derpy. Chirpy Hooves ID S4E22.png Imperial Colt
Cinnamon Tea unicorn unicorn colt colt hsl(42, 65%, 67%) ¤ hsl(9, 65%, 54%) ¤ hsl(281, 83%, 36%) ¤ 7
08 Appears in Campfire Tales as a resident of Mistmane's village in Rarity's story. He is a character called "Imperial Colt" in Gameloft's mobile game. Cinnamon Tea ID S7E16.png Cloudy Daze pegasus pegasus hsl(227, 34%, 72%) ¤ hsl(54, 55%, 65%) ¤ hsl(172, 63%, 65%) ¤ 5
59 Appears in Manehattan in Made in Manehattan watching the Midsummer Theatre Revival. Also appears in Molt Down. Has the same tail style as "Gallop J. Fry" and the same mane style as "First Base". Bears a body model that has been used for both colt and filly; credited as "Filly". According to Jim Miller, this pony's gender is "not nailed down". Voiced by Cathy Weseluck. Cloudy Daze ID S5E16.png Cool Gray pegasus pegasus colt colt hsl(285, 4%, 79%) ¤ hsl(26, 29%, 39%) ¤ hsl(126, 53%, 52%) ¤ 7
20 Appears in Fame and Misfortune as one of Rainbow Dash's fans after reading the published friendship journal. Cool Gray ID S7E14.png Sandbar's Sister
Coral Currents earth earth filly filly hsl(108, 100%, 90%) ¤ hsl(21, 78%, 84%) ¤ hsl(175, 73%, 25%) ¤ 8
01 Appears in The Hearth's Warming Club as Sandbar's younger sister in his story. Also appears in The Ending of the End - Part 2. She is a character called "Sandbar's Sister" in Gameloft's mobile game. Her bio states, "With parents like hers, she's sure to grow up just as chill as her big bro!" Coral Currents ID S8E15.png Coronet earth earth filly filly hsl(334, 100%, 85%) ¤ hsl(337, 74%, 67%) ¤ hsl(033, 96%, 65%) ¤ 1
33 Appears at Sugarcube Corner at Diamond Tiara's party in Call of the Cutie, with a speaking line. She says "Maybe I got my cutie mark too soon." Has the same design as Apple Flora, "Liberty Belle", "Red June", "Cinnamon Sugar", and sometimes "Pomegranate", the same coat and mane as "Ruby Pinch", and the same mane style as Liza Doolots and "Dinky Doo". Her cutie mark is a golden crown. Coronet ID S1E12.png Cotton Cloudy pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(000, 0%, 92%) ¤ hsl(199, 47%, 80%) ¤ hsl(271, 41%, 78%) ¤ 1
44 See Cotton Cloudy. Cotton Cloudy ID S1E12.png Cotton Top earth earth filly filly hsl(265, 76%, 82%) ¤ hsl(000, 0%, 98%) ¤ hsl(051, 100%, 72%) ¤ 1
04 Appears in The Cutie Mark Chronicles in Rarity's flashback. Cotton Top ID S1E23.png Crackle Pop pegasus pegasus colt colt hsl(255, 22%, 75%) ¤ hsl(46, 91%, 63%) ¤ hsl(18, 88%, 63%) ¤ 6
54 Appears in The Cart Before the Ponies participating in the Applewood Derby alongside Derpy. His cutie mark is a white spark. Not named. Crackle Pop ID S6E14.png Cream Puff earth earth filly filly hsl(053, 100%, 95%) ¤ hsl(269, 59%, 75%) ¤ hsl(233, 100%, 5%) ¤ 2
08 Appears in The Mysterious Mare Do Well, crying and wailing in a baby carriage rolling down a hill before being saved from falling off of a cliff by Rainbow Dash, who returns her to "Millie". Later appears with a shorter mane in Trade Ya!, sucking on a pacifier in a baby carriage pulled by Apple Brown Betty, in The Fault in Our Cutie Marks, in Once Upon a Zeppelin, in The Washouts, and in She Talks to Angel. She is named in the closed captions for the former episode on the DVD My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Season Two Disc 2. Cream Puff ID S2E8.png Snake-Charming Colt
Cucumber Seed earth earth colt colt hsl(85, 84%, 81%) ¤ hsl(254, 29%, 53%) ¤ hsl(206, 86%, 36%) ¤ 7
38 Appears in Marks and Recreation as a camper at the Cutie Mark Crusaders' Cutie Mark Day Camp. Also appears in The Last Crusade. Shares his mane and tail style with "Tangerine Glamour". He is a character called "Snake-Charming Colt" in Gameloft's mobile game. His cutie mark is two pine cones. Cucumber Seed ID S7E21.png Cyan Skies pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(159, 39%, 68%) ¤ hsl(250, 22%, 55%) ¤ hsl(076, 44%, 57%) ¤ 1
23 Appears twice during Diamond Tiara's cute-ceañera in Call of the Cutie, at the beginning of Apple Bloom's loop-de-hooping lesson in The Cutie Pox, and at Zipporwhill's cute-ceañera in Filli Vanilli. She shares the same design and mane and eye colors as "Tornado Bolt", the same design and coat and eye colors as "Bee Bop", and the same design as Liza Doolots and "Dinky Doo". Cyan Skies ID S1E12.png Danny Trottance earth earth colt colt hsl(156, 31%, 73%) ¤ hsl(81, 14%, 49%) ¤ hsl(47, 42%, 47%) ¤ 5
33 Appears at the Grand Galloping Gala in Make New Friends but Keep Discord. Referred to as a Danny pony by Sabrina Alberghetti. Danny Trottance ID S5E7.png Fire Chief
Dinky Doo unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(264, 40%, 82%) ¤ hsl(051, 66%, 78%) ¤ hsl(053, 76%, 75%) ¤ 1
05 See Dinky Doo. Dinky Doo ID S4E15.png Dipsy unicorn unicorn hsl(217, 20%, 75%) ¤ hsl(059, 58%, 77%) ¤ hsl(000, 100%, 100%) ¤ 2
22 Appears in Ponyville Hospital during Baby Cakes. Shares the same design as Pumpkin Cake. Wears a red bonnet. Color palette is similar to those of Derpy, S04E07 Unnamed Earth Stallion #1, and Hughbert Jellius. Dipsy S02E13.png Novice Archaeologist
Dust Brush earth earth colt colt hsl(356, 13%, 58%) ¤ hsl(354, 50%, 30%) ¤ hsl(128, 65%, 47%) ¤ 7
55 Appears in Shadow Play - Part 1 on an archaeological dig at Rockhoof's island home. He is a character called "Novice Archaeologist" in Gameloft's mobile game. Dust Brush ID S7E25.png Finish Line earth earth filly filly hsl(000, 0%, 69%) ¤ hsl(000, 0%, 28%) ¤ hsl(000, 0%, 11%) ¤ 1
47 See Roller derby ponies. Finish Line ID S1E12.png Firelock unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(041, 73%, 68%) ¤ hsl(000, 77%, 66%) ¤ hsl(076, 46%, 41%) ¤ 2
23 Asks Snips and Snails for an autograph in Ponyville Confidential. Shares her design with "Ruby Pinch", "Dinky Doo", Liza Doolots, "Bloo", "Tangerine Twist", and "Cerise Bud". Firelock ID S2E23.png Earnest Schoolpony
First Base earth earth colt colt hsl(031, 100%, 72%) ¤ hsl(210, 54%, 39%) ¤ hsl(203, 60%, 54%) ¤ 4
14 Appears with a brief speaking role during The Super Duper Party Pony in Pinkie Pride (rounded muzzle). Later appears in Twilight Time, Slice of Life, Crusaders of the Lost Mark, The Fault in Our Cutie Marks, A Flurry of Emotions, Parental Glideance, Marks for Effort, Yakity-Sax, My Little Pony Best Gift Ever, and The Last Problem as an adult. Also appears on the season 4 poster and the IDW comics' Friendship is Magic Issue #38 pages 1 and 3. Has the same mane style as "Cloudy Daze" and a similar color scheme to Flash Sentry. His cutie mark usually is a baseball bat and ball and rarely is a tiara. Daniel Ingram liked on Twitter a fan's mid-November 2015 post "@dannyimusic Is 'Pop Fly' on the Christmas album this colt with the baseball cutie mark? pic.twitter.com/vx4QmCnbFC". Vincent Tong had a Twitter conversation on December 19, 2015 regarding the matter. ​[​specify​]​ Jim Miller made a Twitter post in mid-March 2016. ​[​specify​]​ He is a character called "Earnest Schoolpony" in Gameloft's mobile game. The game's description of him states, "You can tell he's sincere -- just look at those eyes! In a less earnest colt, they'd be MUCH smaller-sized." First Base ID S4E12.png Fruitbasket earth earth filly filly hsl(300, 100%, 84%) ¤ hsl(329, 68%, 62%) ¤ hsl(206, 90%, 59%) ¤ 1
04 Appears in Rarity's flashback in The Cutie Mark Chronicles. Shares the same design as S04E22 Unnamed Earth Filly #1, "Berryjack", and earlier filly Applejack. Fruitbasket ID S1E23.png Sweet-Toothed Schoolpony
Gallop J. Fry earth earth colt colt hsl(058, 68%, 83%) ¤ hsl(029, 73%, 50%) ¤ hsl(084, 75%, 59%) ¤ 4
53 Appears in Twilight Time, Crusaders of the Lost Mark, The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows, Scare Master, The Fault in Our Cutie Marks, A Flurry of Emotions, Fame and Misfortune, Yakity-Sax, My Little Pony Best Gift Ever, The Last Problem as an adult, and on the season 4 poster. A similar pony appears on the IDW comics' Friends Forever Issue #9 page 7. Has the same tail style as "Cloudy Daze". Human counterpart appears in Street Magic with Trixie! and Sic Skateboard. His cutie mark is a burger. Bears a slight resemblance to Fry from Futurama; see also Holiday Special 2017 Unnamed Stallion - Philip J. Fry. He is a character called "Sweet-Toothed Schoolpony" in Gameloft's mobile game. The game's description of him states, "This colt is a big fan of all kinds of candy -- from caramel to chocolate, he thinks it's all dandy!" Gallop J. Fry ID S4E15.png Rookie Archaeologist
Gentiana earth earth filly filly hsl(217, 37%, 65%) ¤ hsl(48, 93%, 89%) ¤ hsl(353, 67%, 70%) ¤ 7
06 Appears in Shadow Play - Part 1 on an archaeological dig at Rockhoof's island home. She is a character called "Rookie Archaeologist" in Gameloft's mobile game. Gentiana ID S7E25.png Ginger Tea earth earth filly filly hsl(206, 83%, 86%) ¤ hsl(29, 87%, 64%) ¤ black ¤ 7
35 Appears in Once Upon a Zeppelin as one of the infants in Peewee Princess Playtime with Flurry Heart, sometimes with a different mane color. Ginger Tea ID S7E22.png Grape Stem earth earth filly filly hsl(283, 57%, 77%) ¤ hsl(138, 65%, 68%) ¤ black ¤ 7
13 Appears in Once Upon a Zeppelin as one of the infants in Peewee Princess Playtime with Flurry Heart. UEF5 ID S7E22.png Green Daze earth earth colt colt hsl(160, 32%, 60%) ¤ hsl(225, 38%, 44%) ¤ hsl(210, 49%, 34%) ¤ 2
16 Comments on the new gossip column in Ponyville Confidential. A similar pony appears on the IDW comics' Friendship is Magic Issue #7 page 2. He shares his design with Strike, "Shady Daze", Button Mash, and "Caramel Coffee". He has no cutie mark. Green Daze ID S2E23.png Hairpin Turn earth earth filly filly hsl(036, 32%, 63%) ¤ hsl(029, 22%, 34%) ¤ hsl(029, 7%, 11%) ¤ 1
47 See Roller derby ponies. Hairpin Turn ID S1E12.png Hard Rock earth earth colt colt hsl(35, 70%, 66%) ¤ hsl(198, 62%, 42%) ¤ hsl(187, 16%, 44%) ¤ 6
16 Appears in The Fault in Our Cutie Marks receiving weight-lifting lessons from Bulk Biceps. Also appears in Fame and Misfortune and My Little Pony Established 1983 "Let's get PHABULOUS!" His cutie mark is a guitar and two musical notes. Shares his design with "Barley Grind" and S05E16 Unnamed Earth Colt #3. Hard Rock ID S6E19.png Heidi Hay earth earth filly filly hsl(063, 47%, 81%) ¤ hsl(026, 28%, 35%) ¤ hsl(193, 66%, 62%) ¤ 4
48 Appears in Twilight Time. Shares her design with "Boysenberry" and filly Candy Apples. Heidi Hay ID S4E15.png Honey Drop earth earth filly filly hsl(195, 100%, 87%) ¤ hsl(051, 100%, 75%) ¤ hsl(300, 41%, 85%) ¤ 1
04 Seen in The Cutie Mark Chronicles in Rarity's flashback. Strongly resembles "Pitch Perfect". The chalkboard of the toy Ponyville Schoolhouse shows her (wearing her flower costume), filly Cheerilee (wearing her flower costume), Sweetie Belle, Sunny Daze, and filly Pinkie Pie (with curly hair). Honey Drop ID S1E23.png Sincere Friendship Student
Hyper Sonic pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(51, 77%, 72%) ¤ hsl(6, 63%, 38%) ¤ hsl(107, 53%, 60%) ¤ 8
55 Appears in School Daze - Part 1, Fake It 'Til You Make It, A Matter of Principals, School Raze - Part 2, My Little Pony Best Gift Ever, She's All Yak, Between Dark and Dawn, and The Ending of the End - Part 2 as a student at the School of Friendship. Shares his design with S07E22 Unnamed Earth Filly #1. Jim Miller stated regarding him, "That is a colt."[sic] He is a female character called "Sincere Friendship Student" in Gameloft's mobile game. Sincere Friendship Student's bio states, "The School of Friendship accepts even the tiniest of school ponies -- like this friendly filly right here!" Voiced by Richard Ian Cox and named in the credits. Hyper Sonic ID S8E1.png Key Lime earth earth filly filly hsl(100, 43%, 62%) ¤ hsl(242, 38%, 75%) ¤ hsl(171, 27%, 49%) ¤ 2
21 Asks Snips and Snails for an autograph in Ponyville Confidential. She shares the same design as "Piña Colada", Aura and "Noi". She has no cutie mark. Key Lime ID S2E23.png Lance earth earth colt colt hsl(210, 14%, 53%) ¤ hsl(190, 82%, 67%) ¤ hsl(000, 100%, 100%) ¤ 2
22 The pony Apple Bloom fences with in The Cutie Pox. Lance ID S2E06.png Lavandula earth earth filly filly hsl(301, 37%, 64%) ¤ hsl(255, 33%, 39%) ¤ hsl(160, 54%, 67%) ¤ 5
27 Appears in The Mane Attraction as a Camp Friendship camper in Applejack's flashback. Lavandula ID S5E24.png Lemon Daze earth earth filly filly hsl(000, 0%, 100%) ¤ hsl(067, 66%, 70%) ¤ hsl(165, 76%, 61%) ¤ 2
22 Seen in The Mysterious Mare Do Well with a speaking role as a fan of Rainbow Dash, in Magic Duel running with Golden Harvest, and in Twilight Time. Shares her design and eye color with Aura and "Piña Colada", and her design with "Noi". Lemon Daze S2E08 ID.png Lemon Scratch earth earth filly filly hsl(063, 87%, 78%) ¤ hsl(243, 96%, 69%) ¤ hsl(222, 18%, 50%) ¤ 2
23 Carries a newspaper in Ponyville Confidential. Shares her design with "Apple Crumble" and "Apple Squash", her mane style and eye color with "Princess Erroria", and her mane style with Cotton Cloudy and "Tornado Bolt". Lemon Scratch ID S2E23.png Lickety Split earth earth colt colt hsl(045, 20%, 50%) ¤ hsl(051, 100%, 95%) ¤ hsl(187, 100%, 25%) ¤ 2
25 Bounces a ball in Secret of My Excess, which he gives to Spike as a birthday present. Also appears in The Fault in Our Cutie Marks. He shares his name (though not always its spelling) with a G1 mare and filly and a G3 mare. His cutie mark is a bowl of ice cream. Lickety Split ID S2E10.png Lightning Flare earth earth colt colt hsl(212, 38%, 31%) ¤ hsl(185, 67%, 77%) ¤ hsl(197, 64%, 62%) ¤ 4
49 Appears in dream flashbacks of Sweetie Belle's fifth birthday party in For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils. Appears in the present day in Inspiration Manifestation, The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows, and My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown. A similar pony appears on the IDW comics' Friendship is Magic Issue #29 page 15. Has a similar color scheme to "Eiffel", Star Hunter, and Night Glider. Lightning Flare ID S4E19.png Lily Dache earth earth filly filly hsl(199, 78%, 76%) ¤ hsl(247, 78%, 75%) ¤ hsl(223, 46%, 45%) ¤ 1
05 Appears in Call of the Cutie at Diamond Tiara's cute-ceañera. Shares the same design as Silver Spoon. Lily Dache ID S1E12.png Strong Schoolpony
Lily Longsocks earth earth filly filly hsl(336, 93%, 83%) ¤ hsl(309, 55%, 46%) ¤ hsl(184, 46%, 41%) ¤ 5
24 Appears in Crusaders of the Lost Mark, The Mane Attraction, On Your Marks, The Fault in Our Cutie Marks, Fame and Misfortune, and Yakity-Sax as a Ponyville Schoolhouse student. Also appears on the IDW comics' My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #47 pages 7-9, My Little Pony: Ponyville Mysteries Issue #3 pages 1-2 and 20, and My Little Pony: Ponyville Mysteries Issue #5 page 20. Resembles "Strawberry Parchment" and S06E18 Unnamed Earth Filly #1. Human counterpart appears in Street Magic with Trixie! and Sic Skateboard. She has incredible strength, and her cutie mark is a hedgehog. She is a character called "Strong Schoolpony" in Gameloft's mobile game. Lily Longsocks ID S5E18.png Little Match unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(68, 62%, 91%) ¤ hsl(37, 74%, 65%) ¤ hsl(29, 28%, 38%) ¤ 6
38 Appears in A Hearth's Warming Tail as a character in the story "A Hearth's Warming Tail". She appears to be based on the main character in the 1845 short story "The Little Match Girl" by Hans Christian Andersen. Shares her pony model with Featherweight, S07E14 Unnamed Unicorn Colt #1, and S07E18 Unnamed Pegasus Colt #1. Little Match ID S6E8.png Nearsighted Schoolpony
Little Red earth earth filly filly hsl(000, 0%, 99%) ¤ hsl(321, 73%, 48%) ¤ hsl(320, 67%, 52%) ¤ 4
25 Appears wearing glasses in Twilight Time, with an individually spoken line before speaking in unison with other ponies outside the gate to Diamond Tiara's pool party, in Crusaders of the Lost Mark, in The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows, in 28 Pranks Later, in A Flurry of Emotions, in Fame and Misfortune, in Yakity-Sax, The Last Problem as an adult, and on the season 4 poster. In the IDW comics, a similar pony appears on Friendship is Magic Issue #38 pages 1 and 3, and a similar pony also appears on Friends Forever Issue #21 page 5. Shares the same mane and tail style as "Saturnalia", S08E01 Unnamed Earth Filly #1, and BGE Unnamed Earth Filly #1 and the same coat and mane colors as Lovestruck. Bears a body model that has been used for both filly and colt; according to Jim Miller, this pony officially had no specified gender as of December 2, 2014; human counterpart appears as female in Street Magic with Trixie! and Sic Skateboard. Her cutie mark is an abacus. She is a pair of characters called "Nearsighted Schoolpony" and "Nearsighted Future Ponyville Citizen" in Gameloft's mobile game. Little Red ID S4E15.png Little Violet unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(320, 39%, 66%) ¤ hsl(211, 43%, 38%) ¤ hsl(55, 89%, 71%) ¤ 7
24 Appears in flashback in Shadow Play - Part 2 during the Sirens' attack on a village in the Hollow Shades. Little Violet ID S7E26.png Liza Doolots unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(180, 57%, 89%) ¤ hsl(271, 71%, 74%) ¤ hsl(300, 100%, 92%) ¤ 1
05 See Liza Doolots. Liza Doolots ID S1E12.png Mango Dash pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(038, 100%, 77%) ¤ hsl(052, 100%, 76%) ¤ hsl(051, 98%, 69%) ¤ 1
40 See Mango Dash. Mango Dash ID S5E18.png Mint Flower earth earth filly filly hsl(061, 100%, 90%) ¤ hsl(167, 87%, 58%) ¤ hsl(167, 88%, 63%) ¤ 4
49 Appears in dream flashbacks of Sweetie Belle's fifth birthday party in For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils, saying "These party favors are the coolest!" Appears in the present day in Inspiration Manifestation, It Isn't the Mane Thing About You, and The Big Mac Question. Has a similar color scheme to Coco Pommel, "Paisley Pastel", "Rainy Feather", "Tennis Match", and "Brawly Beats". In response to the request "pls explain how @cappergeneral and @FinalDraftEFN 's OCs made it into the show (referenced)" regarding an Inspiration Manifestation screenshot showing this filly, Savoir Fare, and S04E19 Unnamed Earth Colt #4, Jim Miller stated "Those weren't designed to look like anyone's ocs. It's purely coincidence." Mint Flower ID S4E19.png Mint Tea unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(150, 36%, 77%) ¤ hsl(062, 66%, 84%) ¤ hsl(044, 99%, 72%) ¤ 5
02 Appears in The Cutie Map - Part 1, saying "Welcome!" Shares her design and mane and eye colors with "Dinky Doo", and shares her design with Liza Doolots and "Ruby Pinch". Mint Tea ID S5E1.png Mocha Berry unicorn unicorn colt colt hsl(31, 43%, 60%) ¤ hsl(209, 59%, 56%) ¤ hsl(282, 85%, 36%) ¤ 7
38 Appears in Marks and Recreation as a camper at the Cutie Mark Crusaders' Cutie Mark Day Camp. Also appears in The Last Crusade. Partly shares his mane style with "Water Spout". His cutie mark is a honeycomb. Mocha Berry ID S7E21.png Natural Satellite unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(195, 10%, 62%) ¤ hsl(285, 8%, 53%) ¤ hsl(323, 7%, 38%) ¤ 5
38 See Sailor Moon ponies. Natural Satellite ID S5E26.png Nature Walk earth earth filly filly hsl(64, 88%, 87%) ¤ hsl(7, 59%, 53%) ¤ hsl(209, 66%, 57%) ¤ 5
27 Appears in The Mane Attraction as a Camp Friendship camper in Applejack's flashback. Her cutie mark is a ladybug. Nature Walk ID S5E24.png Noi earth earth filly filly hsl(051, 57%, 78%) ¤ hsl(040, 76%, 73%) ¤ hsl(290, 23%, 83%) ¤ 1
04 See Noi. Noi ID S1E12.png Nursery Rhyme earth earth filly filly hsl(035, 30%, 90%) ¤ hsl(315, 25%, 25%) ¤ hsl(309, 25%, 60%) ¤ 2
22 See Nurse ponies. Nursery Rhyme ID S2E16.png Ocean Sky pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(189, 62%, 60%) ¤ hsl(145, 83%, 76%) ¤ hsl(296, 23%, 62%) ¤ 6
31 Appears in Top Bolt as one of Sky Stinger's sisters. Shares her coat and mane colors with Sky Stinger. Ocean Sky ID S6E24.png Peach Fuzz earth earth filly filly hsl(151, 100%, 91%) ¤ hsl(030, 86%, 78%) ¤ hsl(018, 83%, 68%) ¤ 4
59 Appears in Twilight Time, Inspiration Manifestation, Crusaders of the Lost Mark, The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows, Scare Master, On Your Marks, Stranger Than Fan Fiction, The Cart Before the Ponies, A Flurry of Emotions with a Britt McKillip-spoken line of dialogue, Parental Glideance, Fame and Misfortune, Marks for Effort, Yakity-Sax, My Little Pony Best Gift Ever, Between Dark and Dawn, Daring Doubt, and The Last Problem as an adult. Shares her design with S05E25 Unnamed Earth Foal #1 and "Pepper Pot". Her cutie mark is a peach. Voiced by Andrea Libman in Daring Doubt. Peach Fuzz ID S4E15.png Peachy Petal pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(020, 61%, 80%) ¤ hsl(190, 60%, 67%) ¤ hsl(189, 53%, 68%) ¤ 1
28 One of the fillies that gives Princess Luna a rose necklace in Friendship is Magic, part 2. Peachy Petal ID S1E02.png Peachy Pie earth earth filly filly hsl(051, 100%, 72%) ¤ hsl(028, 100%, 56%) ¤ hsl(066, 90%, 76%) ¤ 1
23 See Sunny Daze and Peachy Pie. PeachyPie.png Pearly Whites unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(292, 39%, 85%) ¤ hsl(192, 76%, 74%) ¤ hsl(190, 71%, 76%) ¤ 4
28 Appears wearing a retainer and a bow in Three's A Crowd, Leap of Faith, Equestria Games, The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 1, Parental Glideance, Yakity-Sax, and The Washouts and on the season 4 poster. Her body design matches those of later filly Fluttershy, Plaid Stripes, Crystal Hoof, later filly Applejack, later filly Derpy, "Thunderstruck", later filly Pear Butter, S09E14 Unnamed Earth Filly #1, and Spur, she has the same mane colors and partial mane style as Pinny Lane, and she resembles Star Dreams. Pearly Whites ID S4E20.png Pepper Pot earth earth filly filly hsl(39, 87%, 76%) ¤ hsl(334, 73%, 42%) ¤ hsl(349, 67%, 61%) ¤ 8
40 Appears in A Matter of Principals, School Raze - Part 2, 2, 4, 6, Greaaat, The Summer Sun Setback, A Horse Shoe-In, and Growing Up is Hard to Do as a student at the School of Friendship. Shares her design with "Peach Fuzz" and S05E25 Unnamed Earth Foal #1. Pepper Pot ID S8E14.png Perky Prep earth earth colt colt hsl(207, 36%, 70%) ¤ hsl(209, 40%, 43%) ¤ hsl(201, 48%, 57%) ¤ 6
33 Appears in The Cart Before the Ponies as an Applewood Derby cheerleader. Has a similar color scheme to Archer. His cutie mark is a bullhorn. Perky Prep ID S6E14.png Pinkie Feather pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(315, 100%, 84%) ¤ hsl(259, 78%, 83%) ¤ hsl(286, 54%, 84%) ¤ 1
11 Appears in The Cutie Mark Chronicles in flashback, in Hurricane Fluttershy in flashback, in Twilight Time in present, in The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone in flashback, in Crusaders of the Lost Mark, in The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 1, in flashback in The Cart Before the Ponies, in Parental Glideance, and in Fame and Misfortune. Her cutie mark is unknown. She, along with "Rainy Feather", "Mango Dash", and "Sweet Pop" and as well as Prim Posy, Lemony Gem, "Serena", "Tornado Bolt", Cotton Cloudy, "Princess Erroria", "Noi", Aura, Liza Doolots, and Dinky Doo, was to appear in Friendship is Magic, part 2. Pinkie Feather ID S1E23.png Piña Colada earth earth filly filly hsl(288, 42%, 88%) ¤ hsl(305, 54%, 79%) ¤ hsl(168, 35%, 79%) ¤ 1
35 See Piña Colada. Piña Colada ID S2E3.png Plum Star earth earth colt colt hsl(036, 37%, 80%) ¤ hsl(276, 49%, 42%) ¤ hsl(279, 59%, 69%) ¤ 4
49 Appears wearing glasses in dream flashbacks of Sweetie Belle's fifth birthday party in For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils, saying "Who needs a birthday girl when you've got the birthday girl's amazing big sister?" Appears in the present day in Inspiration Manifestation and A Flurry of Emotions. Plum Star ID S4E19.png Plumberry pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(292, 97%, 88%) ¤ hsl(250, 61%, 43%) ¤ hsl(249, 59%, 55%) ¤ 4
49 Appears in dream flashbacks of Sweetie Belle's fifth birthday party in For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils. Appears in the present day in Inspiration Manifestation, Make New Friends but Keep Discord, and Party Pooped and Sundae, Sundae, Sundae. Plumberry ID S4E19.png Pomegranate earth earth filly filly hsl(340, 76%, 67%) ¤ hsl(061, 53%, 83%) ¤ hsl(000, 100%, 100%) ¤ 3
23 Appears very briefly for one shot during the song Raise This Barn in Apple Family Reunion, but is not included in any of the Apple family photos. Shares one of her designs with Apple Flora, "Liberty Belle", "Red June", "Coronet", "Rosy Posy", and "Cinnamon Sugar", that design's mane style with Liza Doolots, "Dinky Doo", and "Ruby Pinch", and one of her designs with Apple Bloom and "Opal Bloom". Pomegranate ID S3E8.png Pop Up earth earth colt colt hsl(51, 77%, 65%) ¤ hsl(35, 59%, 9%) ¤ hsl(43, 80%, 29%) ¤ 5
27 Appears in The Mane Attraction as a Camp Friendship camper in Applejack's flashback. His cutie mark is a trumpet. He resembles Russell from the Pixar film Up. Pop Up ID S5E24.png Powder Blue hsl(178, 54%, 73%) ¤ hsl(171, 64%, 40%) ¤ hsl(000, 100%, 100%) ¤ 2
22 Appears in Ponyville Hospital during Baby Cakes. Wears a blue bonnet. Shares the same design as Pound Cake. Color palette is similar to those of Sprinkle Medley, S02E03 Unnamed Earth Mare #2, Micro 04 Unnamed Mare - Pegasus Artist, "Larissa", Friends Forever 11 Unnamed Filly - Medley, and "Cold Forecast". Powder Blue S02E13.png Powder Puff pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(233, 53%, 94%) ¤ hsl(305, 70%, 74%) ¤ hsl(40, 42%, 70%) ¤ 5
35 Appears in Brotherhooves Social as one of the competitors in the Sisterhooves Social, in A Hearth's Warming Tail, in The Maud Couple, in Between Dark and Dawn, in Growing Up is Hard to Do, and in The Ending of the End - Part 2. Powder Puff ID S5E17.png Princess Erroria pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(058, 39%, 80%) ¤ hsl(264, 42%, 70%) ¤ hsl(198, 53%, 78%) ¤ 1
33 See Princess Erroria. Princess Erroria ID S2E6.png Purpletastic / Purpleskies pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(267, 80%, 86%) ¤ hsl(260, 37%, 66%) ¤ hsl(188, 52%, 69%) ¤ 1
33 A purple filly with no cutie mark. Appears in The Cutie Mark Chronicles. Has the same tail design as Apple Bloom. Purpletastic ID S1E23.png Rainberry unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(89, 69%, 92%) ¤ hsl(355, 56%, 52%) ¤ hsl(200, 58%, 53%) ¤ 5
27 Appears in Brotherhooves Social as one of the competitors in the Sisterhooves Social, in A Hearth's Warming Tail, delivering newspapers in Flutter Brutter, in The Ending of the End - Part 2, and in The Last Problem. Rainberry ID S5E17.png Rainbow Harmony pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(330, 86%, 84%) ¤ hsl(263, 34%, 48%) ¤ hsl(261, 55%, 70%) ¤ 8
Appears within the School of Friendship during one School Raze - Part 1 scene, receiving navigational assistance from Cozy Glow. Also appears on My Little Pony: Feats of Friendship Issue #1 page 16 and Issue #2 page 9. Based on Natalya's one of two HASCON 2017 "be animated for upcoming My Little Pony content" winning raffle entries, the other being Thomas "The Illustrious Q"'s Trusty Splendor. Her cutie mark is a notepad and pencil. She is a character in Gameloft's mobile game; her bio states, "This new student at the School of Friendship always makes sure to have a map of campus with her, just in case." Rainbow Harmony ID S8E25.png Rainy Feather pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(057, 93%, 78%) ¤ hsl(190, 82%, 67%) ¤ hsl(177, 81%, 49%) ¤ 1
11 See Rainy Feather. Rainy Feather ID S4E15.png Braid-Maned Schoolpony
Rasberry[sic] Dazzle unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(339, 65%, 81%) ¤ hsl(266, 63%, 30%) ¤ hsl(30, 100%, 36%) ¤ 8
40 Appears in A Matter of Principals, School Raze - Part 2, A Horse Shoe-In, and The Ending of the End - Part 2 as a student at the School of Friendship. Shares her design with S07E10 Unnamed Unicorn Filly #2 and S08E11 Unnamed Unicorn Filly #1. She is a character named "Braid-Maned Schoolpony" in Gameloft's mobile game. Her bio states, "She's had that braid ever since summer camp...and she still gets compliments on it!" Voiced by Shannon Chan-Kent and named in the credits. Raspberry Dazzle ID S8E26.png Rosy Posy earth earth filly filly hsl(301, 42%, 80%) ¤ hsl(14, 63%, 80%) ¤ hsl(66, 66%, 74%) ¤ 5
48 Appears in The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows and School Daze - Part 2. Shares her design with Apple Flora, "Liberty Belle", "Red June", "Coronet", "Cinnamon Sugar", and sometimes "Pomegranate". Rosy Posy ID S5E19.png Royal Blue earth earth filly filly hsl(000, 0%, 93%) ¤ hsl(200, 51%, 81%) ¤ hsl(270, 39%, 81%) ¤ 1
35 Seen in Call of the Cutie. Shares the same design as Diamond Tiara and the same color scheme as Cotton Cloudy. Her cutie mark is hard to discern, possibly a flower. Royal Blue ID S1E12.png Winsome Schoolpony
Ruby Pinch unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(334, 100%, 85%) ¤ hsl(337, 74%, 67%) ¤ hsl(076, 54%, 60%) ¤ 1
See Ruby Pinch. Ruby Pinch ID S2E3.png Saturnalia unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(296, 7%, 61%) ¤ hsl(242, 15%, 47%) ¤ hsl(255, 15%, 42%) ¤ 5
39 See Sailor Moon ponies. Saturnalia ID S5E26.png Scouter earth earth colt colt hsl(0, 0%, 73%) ¤ hsl(50, 91%, 73%) ¤ hsl(192, 81%, 67%) ¤ 5
27 Appears in The Mane Attraction as a Camp Friendship camper in Applejack's flashback. His cutie mark is a fishing bobber according to Jim Miller. Scouter ID S5E24.png Shady Blues earth earth colt colt hsl(219, 34%, 65%) ¤ hsl(240, 20%, 39%) ¤ hsl(170, 48%, 65%) ¤ 5
27 Appears in The Mane Attraction as a Camp Friendship camper in Applejack's flashback and in The Saddle Row Review in present day. Shady Blues ID S5E24.png Shady Schoolpony
Shady Daze earth earth colt colt hsl(191, 46%, 87%) ¤ hsl(232, 27%, 34%) ¤ hsl(217, 91%, 60%) ¤ 2
59 See Shady Daze. Shady Daze ID S2E06.png Shining Star hsl(205, 64%, 65%) ¤ hsl(225, 42%, 86%) ¤ hsl(000, 100%, 100%) ¤ 2
05 Appears in Ponyville Hospital in Baby Cakes, only seen through a tinted window. Shares the same design as Pound Cake. Color palette is similar to those of Shoeshine and Photo Finish. Shining Star S02E13.png Skid Marks earth earth colt colt hsl(065, 33%, 93%) ¤ hsl(030, 67%, 49%) ¤ hsl(083, 72%, 57%) ¤ 4
49 Appears wearing a helmet in Twilight Time. Has a similar color scheme to S04E19 Unnamed Earth Colt #1 and "Blade Runner". Skid Marks ID S4E15.png Comic Geek Pony
Splash Panel earth earth colt colt hsl(190, 64%, 82%) ¤ hsl(222, 14%, 37%) ¤ hsl(051, 40%, 50%) ¤ 4
16 Appears at Rainbow Falls in Trade Ya!, voiced by James Higuchi but not heard. He also appears in a promotional image posted by Hasbro's My Little Pony Facebook page. Splash Panel ID S4E22.png Smiley Fan
Strawberry Parchment earth earth filly filly hsl(324, 82%, 83%) ¤ hsl(315, 62%, 47%) ¤ hsl(164, 95%, 68%) ¤ 6
29 Appears in Stranger Than Fan Fiction as an attendee of the Daring Do Convention cosplaying as Dr. Caballeron. Resembles "Lily Longsocks" and S06E18 Unnamed Earth Filly #1. She is a character called "Smiley Fan" in Gameloft's mobile game. The game's description of her states, "This filly's proud of her Caballeron pin -- whenever she wears it, she can't help but grin!" Strawberry Parchment ID S6E13.png Formalwear Colt
Strike earth earth colt colt hsl(047, 48%, 71%) ¤ hsl(214, 46%, 63%) ¤ hsl(216, 71%, 45%) ¤ 2
40 See Bowler Ponies. Strike S02E06.png Sugar Plum unicorn unicorn hsl(285, 62%, 82%) ¤ hsl(195, 61%, 91%) ¤ hsl(000, 100%, 100%) ¤ 2
22 Appears in Ponyville Hospital during Baby Cakes. Shares the same design as Pumpkin Cake. Color palette is similar to those of Cloud Chaser and Flitter. Sugar Plum ID S2E13.png Sugar Stix earth earth filly filly hsl(326, 74%, 82%) ¤ hsl(162, 76%, 75%) ¤ hsl(296, 50%, 53%) ¤ 5
36 Appears in Brotherhooves Social as one of the competitors in the Sisterhooves Social. Also appears in The Cart Before the Ponies, The Fault in Our Cutie Marks, Between Dark and Dawn, and The Ending of the End - Part 2. Sugar Stix ID S5E17.png Sun Glimmer unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(173,43%,68%) ¤ hsl(056,64%,50%) ¤ hsl(104,32%,71%) ¤ 1
04 One of Cheerilee's Ponyville Schoolhouse students in Call of the Cutie and on the IDW comics' Friendship is Magic Issue #38 pages 1 and 3. Also appears as one of Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns students in the first, second, and fourth episodes of Fundamentals of Magic. Shares Sweetie Belle's character design, with a color scheme similar to that of "Bee Bop". Sweetie Belle appears in her place during two shots in Call of the Cutie. Sun Glimmer ID S1E12.png Sunny Daze earth earth filly filly hsl(049, 100%, 70%) ¤ hsl(000, 0%, 98%) ¤ hsl(167, 60%, 83%) ¤ 1
22 See Sunny Daze and Peachy Pie. Sunny Daze ID S1E18.png Sunset Dawn pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(350, 72%, 67%) ¤ hsl(50, 83%, 70%) ¤ hsl(168, 83%, 54%) ¤ 6
28 Appears in Where the Apple Lies as a patient with bandaged wings at the Ponyville Hospital. Sunset Dawn ID S6E23.png Sweet Pop pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(262, 83%, 86%) ¤ hsl(000, 0%, 83%) ¤ hsl(076, 65%, 64%) ¤ 1
11 See Sweet Pop. Sweet Pop ID S5E26.png Sweet Tart hsl(043, 77%, 76%) ¤ hsl(332, 56%, 78%) ¤ hsl(000, 100%, 100%) ¤ 2
22 Appears in Ponyville Hospital during Baby Cakes, two copies in the same shot. Shares the same design as Pound Cake. Color palette is similar to those of "Candy Mane", Orange Swirl, and Swan Song. Sweet Tart ID S2E13.png Little Pony
Tag-A-Long earth earth filly filly hsl(060, 100%, 90%) ¤ hsl(041, 90%, 65%) ¤ hsl(103, 69%, 34%) ¤ 3
16 Appears as a Filly Guide in Just for Sidekicks, Inspiration Manifestation, and The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows. Has a similar color scheme to S04E19 Unnamed Earth Colt #1. Voice credit given to Cathy Weseluck in Just for Sidekicks, even though this filly does not speak in the final cut of the episode. Tag-A-Long ID S3E11.png Tangerine Glamour unicorn unicorn colt colt hsl(38, 69%, 69%) ¤ hsl(208, 84%, 78%) ¤ hsl(203, 59%, 58%) ¤ 8
53 Appears in School Daze - Part 1, A Matter of Principals, What Lies Beneath, School Raze - Part 1, School Raze - Part 2, She's All Yak, Between Dark and Dawn, A Horse Shoe-In, and The Ending of the End - Part 2 as a student at the School of Friendship. Shares his mane and tail style with "Cucumber Seed". Tangerine Glamour ID S8E1.png Tangerine Twist unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(020, 53%, 74%) ¤ hsl(007, 43%, 65%) ¤ hsl(092, 59%, 75%) ¤ 4
04 Appears in Twilight Time as part of the group of foal "paparazzi". Shares her design with "Ruby Pinch", "Dinky Doo", Liza Doolots, "Bloo", "Cerise Bud", and "Firelock". Tangerine Twist ID S4E15.png Teeny Steps earth earth filly filly hsl(264, 54%, 79%) ¤ hsl(42, 89%, 69%) ¤ hsl(167, 64%, 50%) ¤ 6
50 Appears in On Your Marks as one of Hoofer Steps' dance students. Also appears in A Matter of Principals, School Raze - Part 2, A Horse Shoe-In, and Rarity's Biggest Fan. Shares her coat and mane colors with Hoofer Steps. Her cutie mark is. ​[​specify​]​ Teeny Steps ID S6E4.png Thunder Dust pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(178, 59%, 65%) ¤ hsl(43, 82%, 59%) ¤ black ¤ 6
31 Appears in Top Bolt as one of Sky Stinger's sisters. Has a similar color scheme to Lightning Dust. Thunder Dust ID S6E24.png Thunderstruck ​[​dubious – discuss‍​]​ pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(258, 54%, 67%) ¤ hsl(238, 34%, 47%) ¤ hsl(176, 54%, 69%) ¤ 6
31 Appears in Top Bolt as one of Sky Stinger's sisters. Her body design matches those of later filly Fluttershy, "Pearly Whites", Plaid Stripes, Crystal Hoof, later filly Applejack, later filly Derpy, later filly Pear Butter, S09E14 Unnamed Earth Filly #1, and Spur. Her cutie mark is a lightning cloud. Thunderstruck ID S6E24.png Titania earth earth filly filly hsl(000, 0%, 99%) ¤ hsl(272, 73%, 74%) ¤ hsl(276, 54%, 69%) ¤ 4
49 Appears in dream flashbacks of Sweetie Belle's fifth birthday party in For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils with spoken dialogue. Appears in the present day in Inspiration Manifestation and A Flurry of Emotions. Has a similar color scheme to "Hope". Titania ID S4E19.png Tornado Bolt pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(000, 0%, 84%) ¤ hsl(252, 28%, 59%) ¤ hsl(068, 65%, 75%) ¤ 1
See Tornado Bolt. Tornado Bolt id S1E12.png Eager Schoolpony
Train Tracks earth earth colt colt hsl(000, 0%, 81%) ¤ hsl(353, 65%, 50%) ¤ hsl(194, 72%, 54%) ¤ 4
59 Appears in Twilight Time, during which one shot includes him twice at once with one instance's mane being green instead of red. Also appears in Crusaders of the Lost Mark, The Cart Before the Ponies, A Flurry of Emotions, Fame and Misfortune, Marks for Effort, Yakity-Sax, My Little Pony Best Gift Ever, Growing Up is Hard to Do, and The Last Problem as an adult. Shares the same mane style as S05E26 Unnamed Unicorn Colt #1 and the same coat and eye colors as S04E15 Unnamed Earth Colt #4. His cutie mark is a tractor. He is a pair of characters called "Eager Schoolpony" and "Russet-Maned Future Towspony" in Gameloft's mobile game. Train Tracks ID S4E15.png Treasure unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(207, 52%, 96%) ¤ hsl(251, 35%, 55%) ¤ hsl(000, 100%, 100%) ¤ 2
05 Appears in Ponyville Hospital during Baby Cakes, only seen through a tinted window. Has the same design as Pumpkin Cake. Wears a pale blue bow in her hair. Color palette is similar to that of Rarity. Treasure S02E13.png Teacher's Pet
Truffle earth earth colt colt hsl(252, 5%, 79%) ¤ hsl(035, 15%, 24%) ¤ hsl(238, 14%, 47%) ¤ 2
57 See Truffle. Truffle Shuffle ID S2E17.png Baker Filly
Tulip Swirl pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(328, 77%, 90%) ¤ hsl(178, 50%, 44%) ¤ hsl(349, 57%, 61%) ¤ 7
38 Appears in Marks and Recreation as a camper at the Cutie Mark Crusaders' Cutie Mark Day Camp. Also appears in The Last Crusade. She is a character called "Baker Filly" in Gameloft's mobile game. Her cutie mark, only sometimes visible, appears to be the same as that of Scootaloo in Marks and Recreation and a blue and yellow cake with cherry on top in The Last Crusade. Tulip Swirl ID S7E21.png Waltzer earth earth colt colt hsl(46, 71%, 81%) ¤ hsl(179, 42%, 38%) ¤ hsl(137, 58%, 66%) ¤ 6
50 Appears in On Your Marks as one of Hoofer Steps' dance students. Also appears in A Matter of Principals, School Raze - Part 2, A Horse Shoe-In, and Growing Up is Hard to Do. His cutie mark is a banjo. Waltzer ID S6E4.png Water Spout pegasus pegasus colt colt hsl(211, 55%, 76%) ¤ hsl(48, 63%, 84%) ¤ hsl(43, 63%, 46%) ¤ 8
03 Appears in School Daze - Part 1, Fake It 'Til You Make It, A Matter of Principals, She's All Yak, The Ending of the End - Part 1, and The Ending of the End - Part 2 as a student at the School of Friendship. Partly shares his mane style with "Mocha Berry". Water Spout ID S8E1.png Winnie Waltz earth earth filly filly hsl(154, 73%, 87%) ¤ hsl(355, 67%, 63%) ¤ hsl(16, 83%, 67%) ¤ 6
50 Appears in On Your Marks as one of Hoofer Steps' dance students. Also appears in A Matter of Principals, School Raze - Part 2, A Horse Shoe-In, Growing Up is Hard to Do, The Ending of the End - Part 1, and The Last Problem. Her cutie mark is a musical triangle. Winnie Waltz ID S6E4.png Violet Crystal Foal
Cherry Quartz earth earth colt colt hsl(278, 44%, 80%) ¤ hsl(327, 40%, 55%) ¤ hsl(338, 45%, 59%) ¤ 6
21 Appears in The Crystalling - Part 1 as one of Spike's fans. Also appears in Uncommon Bond. He is a character called "Violet Crystal Foal" in Gameloft's mobile game. Cherry Quartz ID S6E2.png Pink Crystal Foal
Cloudy Spinel earth earth filly filly hsl(322, 79%, 83%) ¤ hsl(261, 40%, 55%) ¤ hsl(165, 86%, 58%) ¤ 6
00 Appears in The Crystalling - Part 1 as one of Spike's fans. Also appears in Uncommon Bond. She is a character called "Pink Crystal Foal" in Gameloft's mobile game. Cloudy Spinel ID S6E1.png Chiffon Crystal Foal
Coral Shores earth earth filly filly hsl(63, 100%, 90%) ¤ hsl(168, 37%, 53%) ¤ hsl(321, 62%, 60%) ¤ 6
00 Appears in The Crystalling - Part 1 as one of Spike's fans. Also appears in Uncommon Bond and The Beginning of the End - Part 1. She is a character called "Chiffon Crystal Foal" in Gameloft's mobile game. The game's description of her states, "A Spike superfan if there ever was one -- she just thinks that dragon is oodles of fun!" Coral Shores ID S6E1.png White Crystal Foal
Frosty Quartz earth earth colt colt hsl(68, 57%, 97%) ¤ hsl(228, 61%, 67%) ¤ hsl(200, 4%, 67%) ¤ 6
43 Appears in The Crystalling - Part 2 evacuating the Crystal Empire. Also appears in It Isn't the Mane Thing About You and The Beginning of the End - Part 1. He is a character called "White Crystal Foal" in Gameloft's mobile game. Frosty Quartz ID S6E2.png Glass Slipper earth earth filly filly hsl(186, 42%, 86%) ¤ hsl(191, 32%, 55%) ¤ hsl(273, 23%, 63%) ¤ 3
27 One of two Crystal Pony fillies featured in The Crystal Empire - Part 1, only shown in Princess Celestia's projection of the Crystal Empire prior to King Sombra's rule. Also appears in Games Ponies Play, Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1, The Crystalling - Part 1, and the season 3 poster in the present-day Crystal Empire. She has no cutie mark. Glass Slipper ID S3E12.png Hope earth earth filly filly hsl(193, 31%, 94%) ¤ hsl(256, 46%, 72%) ¤ hsl(275, 22%, 75%) ¤ 3
03 One of two Crystal Pony fillies featured in both Games Ponies Play and Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1, in the present-day Crystal Empire. Has a similar color scheme to "Titania". She has no cutie mark. Hope ID S3E12.png Opal Bloom earth earth filly filly hsl(178, 33%, 84%) ¤ hsl(227, 20%, 76%) ¤ hsl(000, 100%, 100%) ¤ 3
27 One of two Crystal Pony fillies featured in The Crystal Empire - Part 1, only shown in Princess Celestia's projection of the Crystal Empire prior to King Sombra's rule. Shares Apple Bloom's character design and hair bow design. Her cutie mark is a grain of wheat. Opal Bloom ID S3E01.png Aqua Crystal Foal
Rock Candy earth earth filly filly hsl(148, 100%, 90%) ¤ hsl(318, 59%, 54%) ¤ hsl(20, 56%, 57%) ¤ 6
12 Appears in The Crystalling - Part 1 as one of Spike's fans. Also appears in The Beginning of the End - Part 1. She is a character called "Aqua Crystal Foal" in Gameloft's mobile game. The game's description of her states, "This foal sure is friendly and quite quick to laugh (and is seriously jonesing for Spike's autograph)." Rock Candy ID S6E1.png Blue Crystal Foal
Tiny Topaz earth earth colt colt hsl(179, 94%, 88%) ¤ hsl(167, 46%, 45%) ¤ hsl(152, 47%, 78%) ¤ 6
00 Appears in The Crystalling - Part 1 as one of Spike's fans. He is a character called "Blue Crystal Foal" in Gameloft's mobile game. Tiny Topaz ID S6E1.png Amethyst Star unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(301, 80%, 80%) ¤ hsl(270, 50%, 50%) ¤ hsl(279, 38%, 50%) ¤ 5
See Amethyst Star. Amethyst Star filly ID S5E12.png Apple Bloom pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(063, 94%, 81%) ¤ hsl(343, 95%, 61%) ¤ hsl(040, 88%, 66%) ¤ 3
See Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom Pegasus ID S3E11.png Applejack earth earth filly filly hsl(036, 100%, 71%) ¤ hsl(058, 90%, 84%) ¤ hsl(113, 50%, 57%) ¤ 1
See Applejack. Filly Applejack S1E23.png Aquamarine pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(324, 84%, 83%) ¤ hsl(174, 87%, 47%) ¤ hsl(158, 50%, 57%) ¤ 7
See Aquamarine. Aquamarine Pegasus ID S7E14.png Aura pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(302, 33%, 87%) ¤ hsl(162, 65%, 68%) ¤ 4
See Aura. Aura Pegasus ID S4E20.png Aura unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(302, 33%, 87%) ¤ hsl(162, 65%, 68%) ¤ hsl(156, 78%, 82%) ¤ 2
See Aura. Aura unicorn ID S2E3.png Big McIntosh earth earth colt colt hsl(347, 61%, 50%) ¤ hsl(037, 71%, 65%) ¤ hsl(112, 49%, 54%) ¤ 1
See Big McIntosh. Young Big McIntosh S1E23.png Blueberry Curls earth earth filly filly hsl(056, 84%, 93%) ¤ hsl(220, 57%, 57%) ¤ hsl(167, 100%, 75%) ¤ 4
See Blueberry Curls. Bubblegum Blossom filly ID S4E12.png Bright Mac earth earth colt colt hsl(59, 82%, 78%) ¤ hsl(358, 90%, 60%) ¤ hsl(108, 48%, 50%) ¤ 7
See Bright Mac and Pear Butter. Bright Mac infant ID S7E13.png Burnt Oak earth earth colt colt hsl(21, 11%, 36%) ¤ hsl(100, 2%, 70%) ¤ hsl(212, 74%, 64%) ¤ 7
See Burnt Oak. Young Burnt Oak racing down the field S7E13.png Candy Apples earth earth filly filly hsl(126, 68%, 83%) ¤ hsl(006, 53%, 51%) ¤ hsl(035, 67%, 74%) ¤ 7
See Candy Apples. Candy Apples filly ID S7E13.png Cheerilee earth earth filly filly hsl(320, 44%, 47%) ¤ hsl(327, 62%, 78%) ¤ hsl(106, 46%, 63%) ¤ 1
See Cheerilee. Cheerilee as a filly ID S4E12.png Cheese Sandwich earth earth colt colt hsl(037, 100%, 62%) ¤ hsl(029, 100%, 17%) ¤ hsl(094, 59%, 48%) ¤ 4
See Cheese Sandwich. Cheese Sandwich as a colt ID S4E12.png Cloud Chaser pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(248, 100%, 86%) ¤ hsl(196, 100%, 85%) ¤ hsl(328, 50%, 65%) ¤ 4
See Cloud Chaser. Cloudchaser as a filly ID S4E12.png Coco Pommel earth earth filly filly hsl(044, 73%, 93%) ¤ hsl(181, 69%, 77%) ¤ hsl(178, 71%, 71%) ¤ 5
See Coco Pommel. Coco Pommel filly ID S5E16.png Coloratura earth earth filly filly hsl(157, 63%, 89%) ¤ hsl(253, 29%, 29%) ¤ hsl(171, 50%, 59%) ¤ 5
See Coloratura. Coloratura filly ID S5E24.png Cotton Cloudy earth earth filly filly hsl(000, 0%, 92%) ¤ hsl(199, 47%, 80%) ¤ hsl(271, 41%, 78%) ¤ 4
See Cotton Cloudy. Cotton Cloudy Earth pony ID S4E13.png Cotton Cloudy unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(000, 0%, 92%) ¤ hsl(199, 47%, 80%) ¤ hsl(271, 41%, 78%) ¤ 2
See Cotton Cloudy. Cotton Cloudy full body unicorn S2E25.png Cozy Glow Alicorn Alicorn filly filly hsl(2, 73%, 90%) ¤ hsl(185, 66%, 77%) ¤ hsl(8, 80%, 43%) ¤ 9
See Cozy Glow. Alicorn Cozy Glow ID S9E24.png Derpy pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(223, 30%, 83%) ¤ hsl(060, 92%, 81%) ¤ hsl(044, 86%, 58%) ¤ 2
See Derpy. Filly Derpy ID S4E12.png Dinky Doo earth earth filly filly hsl(264, 40%, 82%) ¤ hsl(051, 66%, 78%) ¤ hsl(053, 76%, 75%) ¤ 2
See Dinky Doo. Dinky Doo Earth ID S6E8.png Dinky Doo pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(264, 40%, 82%) ¤ hsl(051, 66%, 78%) ¤ hsl(053, 76%, 75%) ¤ 6
See Dinky Doo. Dinky Doo Pegasus ID S6E7.png Dumb-Bell pegasus pegasus colt colt hsl(030, 26%, 34%) ¤ hsl(038, 36%, 82%) ¤ hsl(211, 60%, 62%) ¤ 1
See Boy Bullies. Dumb-Bell Colt S1E23.png First Base pegasus pegasus colt colt hsl(031, 100%, 72%) ¤ hsl(210, 54%, 39%) ¤ hsl(203, 60%, 54%) ¤ 7
See First Base. First Base Pegasus ID S7E14.png Fleetfoot pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(184, 57%, 72%) ¤ hsl(000, 0%, 98%) ¤ hsl(312, 63%, 54%) ¤ 7
See Fleetfoot. Fleetfoot filly ID S7E7.png Flitter pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(248, 93%, 89%) ¤ hsl(176, 66%, 84%) ¤ hsl(337, 61%, 74%) ¤ 4
See Flitter. Flitter as a filly ID S4E12.png Fluttershy pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(055, 94%, 82%) ¤ hsl(331, 92%, 85%) ¤ hsl(177, 76%, 43%) ¤ 1
See Fluttershy. Filly Fluttershy ID S1E23.png Granny Smith earth earth filly filly hsl(074, 65%, 71%) ¤ hsl(062, 83%, 91%) ¤ hsl(032, 100%, 61%) ¤ 3
See Granny Smith. Granny Smith filly ID S3E8.png Hoops pegasus pegasus colt colt hsl(037, 70%, 65%) ¤ hsl(027, 31%, 40%) ¤ hsl(126, 80%, 62%) ¤ 1
See Boy Bullies. Hoops colt ID S1E23.png Lemon Hearts unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(057, 100%, 69%) ¤ hsl(199, 57%, 61%) ¤ hsl(336, 61%, 49%) ¤ 5
See Lemon Hearts. Lemon Hearts filly ID S5E12.png Liberty Belle unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(055, 60%, 78%) ¤ hsl(350, 73%, 58%) ¤ hsl(003, 33%, 42%) ¤ 3
See Liberty Belle. Liberty Belle unicorn id S03E08.png Lightning Dust pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(174, 61%, 69%) ¤ hsl(046, 91%, 65%) ¤ hsl(038, 97%, 60%) ¤ 7
See Lightning Dust. Lightning Dust filly ID S7E7.png Limestone Pie earth earth filly filly hsl(233, 31%, 70%) ¤ hsl(189, 15%, 83%) ¤ hsl(046, 36%, 53%) ¤ 1
See Limestone Pie and Marble Pie. Limestone Pie id S1E23.png Liza Doolots earth earth filly filly hsl(180, 57%, 89%) ¤ hsl(271, 71%, 74%) ¤ hsl(300, 100%, 92%) ¤ 1
See Liza Doolots. Liza Doolots Earth ID S1E20.png Liza Doolots pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(180, 57%, 89%) ¤ hsl(271, 71%, 74%) ¤ hsl(300, 100%, 92%) ¤ 1
See Liza Doolots. Liza Doolots pegasus S1E23.png Luckette earth earth filly filly hsl(299, 74%, 85%) ¤ hsl(056, 76%, 88%) ¤ hsl(051, 70%, 62%) ¤ 4
See Luckette. Luckette filly ID S4E12.png Lyra Heartstrings unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(160, 100%, 79%) ¤ hsl(181, 56%, 81%) ¤ hsl(049, 87%, 60%) ¤ 4
See Lyra Heartstrings. Lyra Heartstrings filly ID S5E12.png Marble Pie earth earth filly filly hsl(194, 14%, 77%) ¤ hsl(192, 11%, 50%) ¤ hsl(265, 53%, 68%) ¤ 1
See Limestone Pie and Marble Pie. Marble Pie id S1E23.png Maud Pie earth earth filly filly hsl(255, 7%, 77%) ¤ hsl(266, 32%, 62%) ¤ hsl(163, 58%, 53%) ¤ 4
See Maud Pie. Maud Pie filly ID S4E12.png Minuette unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(204, 80%, 74%) ¤ hsl(245, 48%, 90%) ¤ hsl(229, 39%, 48%) ¤ 4
See Minuette. Minuette Filly ID S04E12.png Moon Dancer unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(62, 73%, 90%) ¤ hsl(349, 62%, 54%) ¤ hsl(276, 61%, 22%) ¤ 5
See Moon Dancer. Moon Dancer filly ID S5E12.png Noi pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(051, 57%, 78%) ¤ hsl(040, 76%, 73%) ¤ hsl(290, 23%, 83%) ¤ 7
See Noi. Rainbow Dash's fan club of fillies appears S7E14.png Pear Butter earth earth filly filly hsl(36, 97%, 88%) ¤ hsl(35, 97%, 62%) ¤ hsl(161, 77%, 55%) ¤ 7
See Bright Mac and Pear Butter. Pear Butter infant ID S7E13.png Pinkie Pie earth earth filly filly hsl(335, 88%, 84%) ¤ hsl(336, 92%, 62%) ¤ hsl(198, 94%, 72%) ¤ 1
See Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie as a filly ID S4E12.png Piña Colada pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(288, 42%, 88%) ¤ hsl(305, 54%, 79%) ¤ hsl(168, 35%, 79%) ¤ 1
See Piña Colada. Pina Colada Pegasus ID S1E23.png Piña Colada unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(288, 42%, 88%) ¤ hsl(305, 54%, 79%) ¤ hsl(168, 35%, 79%) ¤ 2
See Piña Colada. Pina Colada unicorn ID S2E3.png Princess Erroria earth earth filly filly hsl(058, 39%, 80%) ¤ hsl(264, 42%, 70%) ¤ hsl(198, 53%, 78%) ¤ 2
See Princess Erroria. Princess Erroria Earth ID S2E18.png Princess Erroria unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(058, 39%, 80%) ¤ hsl(264, 42%, 70%) ¤ hsl(198, 53%, 78%) ¤ 3
See Princess Erroria. Princess Erroria unicorn ID S3E12.png Princess Erroria Alicorn Alicorn filly filly hsl(058, 39%, 80%) ¤ hsl(264, 42%, 70%) ¤ hsl(198, 53%, 78%) ¤ 2
See Princess Erroria. Princess Erroria Alicorn error S02E03.png Pumpkin Cake Alicorn Alicorn filly filly hsl(060, 83%, 76%) ¤ hsl(031, 100%, 56%) ¤ hsl(211, 64%, 53%) ¤ 7
See Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake. Pumpkin Cake Alicorn ID S7E3.png Rainbow Dash pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(195, 100%, 81%) ¤ hsl(359, 99%, 67%) ¤ hsl(326, 74%, 43%) ¤ 1
See Rainbow Dash. Filly Rainbow Dash S1E23.png Rainy Feather earth earth filly filly hsl(057, 93%, 78%) ¤ hsl(190, 82%, 67%) ¤ hsl(177, 81%, 49%) ¤ 4
See Rainy Feather. Rainy Feather Earth pony ID S4E13.png Rarity unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(240, 8%, 95%) ¤ hsl(258, 35%, 48%) ¤ hsl(210, 45%, 54%) ¤ 1
See Rarity. Filly Rarity S01E23.png Red June unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(006, 46%, 51%) ¤ hsl(090, 67%, 64%) ¤ hsl(129, 37%, 41%) ¤ 3
See Red June. Red June unicorn id S03E08.png Ruby Pinch earth earth filly filly hsl(334, 100%, 85%) ¤ hsl(337, 74%, 67%) ¤ hsl(076, 54%, 60%) ¤ 1
See Ruby Pinch. Ruby Pinch Earth ID S1E23.png Ruby Pinch pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(334, 100%, 85%) ¤ hsl(337, 74%, 67%) ¤ hsl(076, 54%, 60%) ¤ 1
See Ruby Pinch. Ruby Pinch as Pegasus ID S1E2.png Scootaloo earth earth filly filly hsl(034, 100%, 70%) ¤ hsl(326, 57%, 63%) ¤ hsl(276, 34%, 53%) ¤ 1
See Scootaloo. Scootaloo Wingless S1E17.png Score pegasus pegasus colt colt hsl(237, 11%, 63%) ¤ hsl(345, 3%, 23%) ¤ hsl(000, 100%, 100%) ¤ 5
See Boy Bullies. Score colt ID S5E8.png Sea Swirl unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(288, 100%, 87%) ¤ hsl(239, 53%, 49%) ¤ hsl(328, 89%, 38%) ¤ 5
See Sea Swirl. Sea Swirl filly ID S5E12.png Silver Berry earth earth filly filly hsl(255, 11%, 86%) ¤ hsl(297, 35%, 49%) ¤ hsl(324, 77%, 43%) ¤ 4
See Silver Berry. Silver Berry filly ID S4E12.png Sky Stinger pegasus pegasus colt colt hsl(193, 76%, 37%) ¤ hsl(145, 85%, 76%) ¤ hsl(146, 96%, 74%) ¤ 6
See Sky Stinger. Sky Stinger colt ID S6E24.png Snails earth earth colt colt hsl(044, 68%, 56%) ¤ hsl(158, 46%, 55%) ¤ hsl(000, 0%, 0%) ¤ 6
See Snails. Snails Earth pony ID S6E18.png Snowfall Frost unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(295, 82%, 87%) ¤ hsl(278, 55%, 47%) ¤ hsl(251, 78%, 81%) ¤ 6
See Snowfall Frost. Young Snowfall "strong enough to stop windigos" S6E8.png Soarin pegasus pegasus colt colt hsl(204, 100%, 94%) ¤ hsl(230, 30%, 36%) ¤ hsl(125, 50%, 53%) ¤ 7
See Soarin. Soarin colt ID S7E7.png Spitfire pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(055, 100%, 67%) ¤ hsl(030, 100%, 55%) ¤ hsl(027, 78%, 49%) ¤ 7
See Spitfire. Spitfire filly ID S7E7.png Starlight Glimmer unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(295, 82%, 87%) ¤ hsl(278, 55%, 47%) ¤ hsl(251, 78%, 81%) ¤ 5
See Starlight Glimmer. Starlight Glimmer filly ID S5E26.png Strawberry Ice earth earth filly filly hsl(174, 88%, 81%) ¤ hsl(357, 89%, 70%) ¤ hsl(359, 100%, 76%) ¤ 4
See Strawberry Ice. Strawberry Ice filly ID S4E12.png Sunburst unicorn unicorn colt colt hsl(40, 95%, 60%) ¤ hsl(16, 84%, 52%) ¤ hsl(185, 44%, 49%) ¤ 5
See Sunburst. Sunburst colt ID S5E26.png Sunny Starscout earth earth filly filly See Sunny Starscout. My Little Pony Annual 2022 pages 36-37.jpg Sweetie Belle earth earth filly filly hsl(320, 9%, 94%) ¤ hsl(282, 29%, 66%) ¤ hsl(104, 40%, 69%) ¤ 1
See Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle Earth pony ID S1E17.png Sweetie Drops earth earth filly filly hsl(064, 65%, 91%) ¤ hsl(218, 42%, 40%) ¤ hsl(186, 59%, 53%) ¤ 4
See Sweetie Drops. Sweetie Drops filly ID S4E12.png Tempest Shadow unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(307, 44%, 23%) ¤ hsl(330, 82%, 29%) ¤ hsl(174, 55%, 46%) ¤ Movie
See Tempest Shadow. Fizzlepop Berrytwist filly ID MLPTM.png Thunderlane pegasus pegasus colt colt hsl(000, 0%, 34%) ¤ hsl(179, 39%, 75%) ¤ hsl(047, 63%, 71%) ¤ 7
See Thunderlane. Thunderlane colt ID S7E7.png Tornado Bolt earth earth filly filly hsl(000, 0%, 84%) ¤ hsl(252, 28%, 59%) ¤ hsl(087, 90%, 73%) ¤ 1
See Tornado Bolt. Tornado Bolt closeup S1E12.png Trouble Shoes earth earth colt colt hsl(15, 47%, 39%) ¤ hsl(3, 22%, 17%) ¤ hsl(104, 82%, 67%) ¤ 5
See Trouble Shoes. Trouble Shoes colt ID S5E6.png Twilight Sparkle unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(283, 65%, 81%) ¤ hsl(226, 38%, 38%) ¤ hsl(272, 36%, 42%) ¤ 1
See Twilight Sparkle. Twilight filly crop S2E25.png Twinkleshine unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(051, 68%, 96%) ¤ hsl(321, 100%, 86%) ¤ hsl(184, 58%, 57%) ¤ 5
See Twinkleshine. Twinkleshine filly ID S5E12.png Vapor Trail pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(93, 52%, 96%) ¤ hsl(181, 80%, 90%) ¤ hsl(166, 59%, 73%) ¤ 6
See Vapor Trail. Vapor Trail filly ID S6E24.png S08E01 Unnamed Earth Filly #1 pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(330, 38%, 53%) ¤ hsl(249, 68%, 82%) ¤ hsl(194, 53%, 66%) ¤ 8
See S08E01 Unnamed Earth Filly #1. S8E1 UEF1 Pegasus ID S8E14.png S04E08 Unnamed Earth Filly #1 earth earth filly filly hsl(158, 89%, 83%) ¤ hsl(043, 86%, 75%) ¤ hsl(289, 33%, 56%) ¤ 4
23 Appears in Rarity Takes Manehattan, Pinkie Pride, and Fame and Misfortune. Shares her design and mane and eye colors with "Noi", and shares her design with Aura and "Piña Colada". UEF1 ID S4E08.png S04E15 Unnamed Earth Colt #4 earth earth colt colt hsl(210, 7%, 78%) ¤ hsl(197, 88%, 27%) ¤ hsl(196, 91%, 70%) ¤ 4
49 Appears wearing a helmet in Twilight Time. Shares the same coat and eye colors as "Train Tracks". UEC5 ID S4E15.png S04E19 Unnamed Earth Colt #1 earth earth colt colt hsl(055, 43%, 95%) ¤ hsl(036, 79%, 53%) ¤ hsl(090, 82%, 46%) ¤ 4
49 Appears in dream flashbacks of Sweetie Belle's fifth birthday party in For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils, saying "Awesome! Where'd you get these?" and "You're the greatest, Rarity!" Appears in the present day in Inspiration Manifestation. Has a similar color scheme to "Tag-A-Long" and "Skid Marks". UEC1 ID S4E19.png S04E19 Unnamed Earth Colt #4 earth earth colt colt hsl(067, 85%, 79%) ¤ hsl(294, 35%, 42%) ¤ hsl(047, 84%, 72%) ¤ 4
49 Appears in dream flashbacks of Sweetie Belle's fifth birthday party in For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils. Appears in the present day in Inspiration Manifestation and Party Pooped. In response to the request "pls explain how @cappergeneral and @FinalDraftEFN 's OCs made it into the show (referenced)" regarding an Inspiration Manifestation screenshot showing "Mint Flower", Savoir Fare, and this colt, Jim Miller stated "Those weren't designed to look like anyone's ocs. It's purely coincidence." UEC4 ID S4E19.png S04E22 Unnamed Earth Filly #1 earth earth filly filly hsl(037, 41%, 90%) ¤ hsl(067, 69%, 50%) ¤ hsl(153, 37%, 43%) ¤ 4
51 Appears at Rainbow Falls in Trade Ya! Shares her design with "Fruitbasket", "Berryjack", and earlier filly Applejack. UEF1 ID S4E22.png S04E23 Unnamed Earth Colt #1 earth earth colt colt hsl(184, 100%, 86%) ¤ hsl(057, 98%, 81%) ¤ hsl(048, 92%, 61%) ¤ 4
14 Appears in Inspiration Manifestation and Yakity-Sax. Shares his color scheme with Sassaflash. UEC1 ID S4E23.png S05E01 Unnamed Earth Filly #1 earth earth filly filly hsl(288, 69%, 90%) ¤ hsl(248, 47%, 80%) ¤ hsl(160, 61%, 61%) ¤ 5
02 Appears in The Cutie Map - Part 1. Shares her design and coat and eye colors with "Piña Colada", shares her design and eye color with Aura, and shares her design with "Noi". UEF1 ID S5E1.png S05E16 Unnamed Earth Filly #1 earth earth filly filly hsl(55, 78%, 85%) ¤ ¤ hsl(250, 53%, 49%) ¤ 5
10 Appears in a photo album in Made in Manehattan dressed as the Cowardly Lion. UEF1 ID S5E16.png S05E16 Unnamed Earth Filly #2 earth earth filly filly hsl(149, 100%, 91%) ¤ hsl(184, 37%, 51%) ¤ hsl(174, 35%, 73%) ¤ 5
19 Appears in a photo album in Made in Manehattan. Has a similar color scheme to Bluenote. Her cutie mark is a star. UEF2 ID S5E16.png S05E16 Unnamed Earth Filly #3 earth earth filly filly hsl(327, 79%, 83%) ¤ hsl(277, 41%, 57%) ¤ hsl(167, 67%, 60%) ¤ 5
19 Appears in a photo album in Made in Manehattan. UEF3 ID S5E16.png S05E16 Unnamed Earth Colt #1 earth earth colt colt hsl(17, 78%, 76%) ¤ hsl(278, 41%, 47%) ¤ hsl(278, 41%, 55%) ¤ 5
10 Appears in a photo album in Made in Manehattan dressed as the Tin Man. UEC1 ID S5E16.png S05E16 Unnamed Earth Colt #2 earth earth colt colt hsl(55, 84%, 70%) ¤ hsl(24, 56%, 51%) ¤ hsl(79, 61%, 64%) ¤ 5
19 Appears in a photo album in Made in Manehattan. UEC2 ID S5E16.png S05E16 Unnamed Earth Colt #3 earth earth colt colt hsl(63, 27%, 57%) ¤ hsl(169, 44%, 41%) ¤ hsl(164, 39%, 35%) ¤ 5
52 Appears in Manehattan in Made in Manehattan watching the Midsummer Theatre Revival. Shares his design with "Hard Rock" and "Barley Grind". UEC3 ID S5E16.png S05E24 Unnamed Earth Filly #1 earth earth filly filly hsl(219, 50%, 89%) ¤ hsl(174, 67%, 70%) ¤ hsl(320, 82%, 38%) ¤ 5
27 Appears in The Mane Attraction as a Camp Friendship camper in Applejack's flashback. Similar in color scheme to the non-siren forms of Sonata Dusk. UEF1 ID S5E24.png S05E24 Unnamed Earth Colt #1 earth earth colt colt hsl(68, 57%, 97%) ¤ hsl(161, 48%, 55%) ¤ hsl(38, 60%, 60%) ¤ 5
27 Appears in The Mane Attraction as a Camp Friendship camper in Applejack's flashback. His cutie mark is a popsicle. UEC1 ID S5E24.png S05E24 Unnamed Earth Colt #5 earth earth colt colt hsl(0, 0%, 99%) ¤ hsl(37, 59%, 45%) ¤ hsl(29, 50%, 60%) ¤ 5
27 Appears in The Mane Attraction as a Camp Friendship camper in Applejack's flashback. UEC5 ID S5E24.png S05E25 Unnamed Earth Foal #1 earth earth hsl(337, 95%, 75%) ¤ hsl(345, 98%, 56%) ¤ hsl(177, 43%, 92%) ¤ 5
33 Appears in The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 1 in an alternate timeline where Equestria is at war with King Sombra. Shares their design with "Peach Fuzz" and "Pepper Pot". UEF1 ID S5E25.png S05E25 Unnamed Pegasus Filly #1 pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(4, 87%, 88%) ¤ hsl(36, 75%, 66%) ¤ hsl(269, 40%, 35%) ¤ 5
01 Appears in The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 1 at Cloudsdale Flight Camp. UPF1 ID S5E25.png S05E26 Unnamed Unicorn Filly #2 unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(94, 8%, 66%) ¤ hsl(184, 21%, 41%) ¤ hsl(179, 19%, 53%) ¤ 5
39 Appears in The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2 during Friends Are Always There For You. Shares her mane style with "Aquamarine". UUF2 ID S5E26.png S05E26 Unnamed Unicorn Colt #1 unicorn unicorn colt colt hsl(185, 12%, 60%) ¤ hsl(192, 13%, 62%) ¤ hsl(100, 1%, 51%) ¤ 5
38 Appears in The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2 during Friends Are Always There For You. Shares his mane style with "Train Tracks". UUC1 ID S5E26.png S06E04 Unnamed Earth Filly #3 earth earth filly filly hsl(3, 74%, 79%) ¤ hsl(293, 33%, 53%) ¤ hsl(170, 45%, 58%) ¤ 6
50 Appears in On Your Marks as one of Hoofer Steps' dance students. Also appears in A Matter of Principals, Yakity-Sax, School Raze - Part 2, My Little Pony Best Gift Ever, A Horse Shoe-In, The Ending of the End - Part 1, and The Last Problem. Her cutie mark is a violin and bow. UEF3 ID S6E4.png Prudent Friendship Student
S06E04 Unnamed Earth Colt #2 earth earth colt colt hsl(93, 76%, 79%) ¤ hsl(17, 78%, 64%) ¤ hsl(177, 40%, 48%) ¤ 6
50 Appears in On Your Marks as one of Hoofer Steps' dance students. Also appears in A Matter of Principals, School Raze - Part 2, A Horse Shoe-In, and Growing Up is Hard to Do. His cutie mark is two halves of an avocado. He is a character called "Prudent Friendship Student" in Gameloft's mobile game. His bio states, "This young colt would really not like to be part of a mob, thank you very much." UEC2 ID S6E4.png S06E04 Unnamed Earth Colt #3 earth earth colt colt hsl(172, 62%, 69%) ¤ hsl(201, 57%, 43%) ¤ hsl(203, 67%, 38%) ¤ 6
50 Appears in On Your Marks as one of Hoofer Steps' dance students. Also appears in A Matter of Principals, School Raze - Part 2, Growing Up is Hard to Do, and The Last Problem. His cutie mark is a sailboat. UEC3 ID S6E4.png S06E08 Unnamed Earth Filly #1 earth earth filly filly hsl(30, 87%, 66%) ¤ hsl(321, 49%, 29%) ¤ hsl(338, 54%, 56%) ¤ 6
28 Appears in A Hearth's Warming Tail during Hearth's Warming Eve Is Here Once Again. UEF1 ID S6E8.png S06E13 Unnamed Pegasus Filly #1 pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(270, 42%, 59%) ¤ hsl(254, 34%, 45%) ¤ hsl(319, 94%, 25%) ¤ 6
14 Appears in Stranger Than Fan Fiction as an attendee of the Daring Do Convention. UPF1 ID S6E13.png S06E13 Unnamed Pegasus Colt #1 pegasus pegasus colt colt hsl(48, 79%, 74%) ¤ hsl(9, 66%, 54%) ¤ hsl(281, 40%, 51%) ¤ 6
55 Appears in Stranger Than Fan Fiction as an attendee of the Daring Do Convention cosplaying as Daring Do. Also appears in Daring Doubt. UPC1 ID S6E13.png S06E18 Unnamed Earth Filly #1 earth earth filly filly hsl(340, 40%, 68%) ¤ hsl(328, 28%, 42%) ¤ hsl(161, 51%, 57%) ¤ 6
50 Appears in Buckball Season as a buckball spectator in Appleloosa. Resembles "Lily Longsocks" and "Strawberry Parchment". UEF1 ID S6E18.png S06E18 Unnamed Earth Filly #2 earth earth filly filly hsl(74, 41%, 56%) ¤ hsl(175, 27%, 28%) ¤ hsl(359, 34%, 50%) ¤ 6
50 Appears in Buckball Season as a buckball spectator in Appleloosa. UEF2 ID S6E18.png S06E18 Unnamed Earth Colt #1 earth earth colt colt hsl(52, 59%, 59%) ¤ hsl(29, 66%, 53%) ¤ hsl(200, 30%, 50%) ¤ 6
51 Appears in Buckball Season as a buckball spectator in Appleloosa. UEC1 ID S6E18.png S06E23 Unnamed Pegasus Filly #2 pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(37, 87%, 79%) ¤ hsl(9, 39%, 47%) ¤ hsl(303, 93%, 62%) ¤ 6
41 Appears twice in Where the Apple Lies at the Ponyville Hospital. Resembles the Grady twins in The Shining, the same basis as Issue 04 Unnamed Fillies - Grady twins. UPF2 ID S6E23.png S07E10 Unnamed Unicorn Filly #1 unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(322, 78%, 82%) ¤ hsl(67, 98%, 77%) ¤ hsl(168, 62%, 54%) ¤ 7
36 Appears in A Royal Problem as a School for Gifted Unicorns student in front of the school and in Princess Luna's nightmare. Also appears in School Daze - Part 1, The Last Laugh, and Growing Up is Hard to Do. Voiced by Kelly Sheridan. UUF1 ID S7E10.png S07E10 Unnamed Unicorn Filly #2 unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(237, 79%, 85%) ¤ hsl(173, 55%, 70%) ¤ hsl(19, 84%, 67%) ¤ 7
36 Appears in A Royal Problem as a School for Gifted Unicorns student in front of the school and in Princess Luna's nightmare. Also appears in School Daze - Part 1, The Last Laugh, and Growing Up is Hard to Do. Shares her design with S08E11 Unnamed Unicorn Filly #1 and Rasberry Dazzle. UUF2 ID S7E10.png Gifted Schoolpony
S07E10 Unnamed Unicorn Filly #3 unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(62, 82%, 78%) ¤ hsl(24, 74%, 53%) ¤ hsl(280, 22%, 55%) ¤ 7
36 Appears in A Royal Problem as a School for Gifted Unicorns student in front of the school and in Princess Luna's nightmare. Also appears in School Daze - Part 1, The Last Laugh, and Growing Up is Hard to Do. Shares her design with S08E14 Unnamed Unicorn Filly #2. Voiced by Nicole Oliver. She is a character called "Gifted Schoolpony" in Gameloft's mobile game. UUF3 ID S7E10.png S07E10 Unnamed Unicorn Colt #1 unicorn unicorn colt colt hsl(156, 69%, 80%) ¤ hsl(192, 45%, 55%) ¤ hsl(354, 59%, 38%) ¤ 7
36 Appears in A Royal Problem as a School for Gifted Unicorns student in front of the school and in Princess Luna's nightmare. Also appears in School Daze - Part 1 and Growing Up is Hard to Do. Shares his design with S08E14 Unnamed Unicorn Colt #1. UUC1 ID S7E10.png S07E14 Unnamed Pegasus Filly #1 pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(285, 50%, 98%) ¤ hsl(181, 56%, 65%) ¤ hsl(269, 30%, 71%) ¤ 7
06 Appears in Fame and Misfortune as one of Rainbow Dash's fans after reading the published friendship journal. UPF1 ID S7E14.png S07E14 Unnamed Pegasus Filly #2 pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(63, 87%, 80%) ¤ hsl(197, 57%, 83%) ¤ hsl(167, 34%, 56%) ¤ 7
06 Appears in Fame and Misfortune as one of Rainbow Dash's fans after reading the published friendship journal. UPF2 ID S7E14.png S07E14 Unnamed Unicorn Colt #1 unicorn unicorn colt colt hsl(212, 71%, 77%) ¤ hsl(43, 66%, 83%) ¤ hsl(36, 17%, 43%) ¤ 7
03 Appears in Fame and Misfortune selling newspapers and copies of the published friendship journal in Canterlot. Shares his pony model with Featherweight, "Little Match", and S07E18 Unnamed Pegasus Colt #1. UUC1 ID S7E14.png S07E16 Unnamed Earth Colt #1 earth earth colt colt hsl(322, 44%, 72%) ¤ hsl(354, 48%, 46%) ¤ hsl(285, 73%, 35%) ¤ 7
51 Appears in Campfire Tales as a resident of Rockhoof's village in Applejack's story. UEC1 ID S7E16.png Newspaper Pony
S07E18 Unnamed Pegasus Colt #1 pegasus pegasus colt colt hsl(33, 93%, 66%) ¤ hsl(222, 4%, 46%) ¤ hsl(15, 59%, 11%) ¤ 7
01 Appears in Daring Done? selling newspapers in Ponyville. Shares his design with Featherweight and his pony model with "Little Match", and S07E14 Unnamed Unicorn Colt #1. Voiced by Jay Brazeau. UPC1 ID S7E18.png S07E22 Unnamed Earth Filly #1 earth earth filly filly hsl(295, 74%, 83%) ¤ hsl(344, 68%, 58%) ¤ hsl(292, 22%, 62%) ¤ 7
34 Appears in Once Upon a Zeppelin as a passenger on Iron Will's Cruise of the Princesses Experience. Shares her design with Hyper Sonic. UEF1 ID S7E22.png S07E22 Unnamed Earth Filly #2 earth earth filly filly hsl(176, 52%, 75%) ¤ hsl(242, 40%, 47%) ¤ hsl(56, 66%, 54%) ¤ 7
59 Appears in Once Upon a Zeppelin as a passenger on Iron Will's Cruise of the Princesses Experience wearing a mask of Princess Cadance. UEF2 ID S7E22.png S07E22 Unnamed Earth Filly #4 earth earth filly filly hsl(0, 0%, 99%) ¤ hsl(192, 55%, 83%) ¤ black ¤ 7
11 Appears in Once Upon a Zeppelin as one of the infants in Peewee Princess Playtime with Flurry Heart. Also appears in Growing Up is Hard to Do. Has a similar color scheme to Cotton Cloudy. UEF4 ID S7E22.png S07E22 Unnamed Earth Filly #6 earth earth filly filly hsl(30, 38%, 57%) ¤ hsl(58, 69%, 80%) ¤ black ¤ 7
13 Appears in Once Upon a Zeppelin as one of the infants in Peewee Princess Playtime with Flurry Heart. Has a similar color scheme to Crusoe Palm. UEF6 ID S7E22.png S07E22 Unnamed Earth Filly #7 earth earth filly filly hsl(325, 61%, 75%) ¤ hsl(324, 51%, 47%) ¤ black ¤ 7
13 Appears in Once Upon a Zeppelin as one of the infants in Peewee Princess Playtime with Flurry Heart. Also appears in Growing Up is Hard to Do. Has a similar color scheme to "Ruby Pinch". UEF7 ID S7E22.png S08E01 Unnamed Earth Filly #1 earth earth filly filly hsl(330, 38%, 53%) ¤ hsl(249, 68%, 82%) ¤ hsl(194, 53%, 66%) ¤ 8
11 Appears in School Daze - Part 1, Fake It 'Til You Make It, A Matter of Principals, Yakity-Sax, What Lies Beneath, School Raze - Part 1, School Raze - Part 2, She's All Yak, Between Dark and Dawn, 2, 4, 6, Greaaat, and She Talks to Angel as a student at the School of Friendship. Shares her design with BGE Unnamed Earth Filly #1, her mane and tail style with "Little Red" and "Saturnalia", and her color scheme with "Raspberry Sorbet". UEF1 ID S8E1.png S08E05 Unnamed Earth Colt #1 earth earth colt colt hsl(66, 85%, 82%) ¤ hsl(25, 61%, 30%) ¤ hsl(143, 41%, 85%) ¤ 8
51 Appears in Grannies Gone Wild at Flim and Flam's Las Pegasus resort. Also appears in 2, 4, 6, Greaaat. Resembles Morty Smith from Rick and Morty. UEC1 ID S8E5.png S08E11 Unnamed Unicorn Filly #1 unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(285, 84%, 83%) ¤ hsl(34, 60%, 67%) ¤ hsl(18, 83%, 67%) ¤ 8
24 Appears in Molt Down as part of a School of Friendship tour group. Shares her design with S07E10 Unnamed Unicorn Filly #2 and Rasberry Dazzle. UUF1 ID S8E11.png S08E14 Unnamed Unicorn Filly #2 unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(244, 39%, 65%) ¤ hsl(133, 100%, 96%) ¤ hsl(122, 57%, 56%) ¤ 8
40 Appears in A Matter of Principals, School Raze - Part 2, and A Horse Shoe-In as a student at the School of Friendship. Also appears at Applejack's party for Pinkie Pie in Yakity-Sax in Canterlot in The Point of No Return, and in The Ending of the End - Part 2. Shares her design with S07E10 Unnamed Unicorn Filly #3. S8E14 UUF2 ID S8E18.png S08E14 Unnamed Unicorn Colt #1 unicorn unicorn colt colt hsl(68, 74%, 79%) ¤ hsl(169, 72%, 20%) ¤ hsl(99, 43%, 48%) ¤ 8
40 Appears in A Matter of Principals, School Raze - Part 2, A Horse Shoe-In, The Ending of the End - Part 2, and The Last Problem as a student at the School of Friendship. Shares his design with S07E10 Unnamed Unicorn Colt #1. His cutie mark is a bean sprout. S8E14 UUC1 ID S8E26.png BGE Unnamed Earth Filly #1 earth earth filly filly hsl(150, 71%, 80%) ¤ hsl(23, 76%, 57%) ¤ hsl(359, 83%, 75%) ¤ BGE
12 Appears in My Little Pony Best Gift Ever during One More Day. Shares her design with S08E01 Unnamed Earth Filly #1, her mane and tail style with "Little Red" and "Saturnalia", and her color scheme with "Patty Peppermint". UEF1 ID MLPBGE.png Unlucky Pony
BGE Unnamed Earth Colt #1 earth earth colt colt hsl(49, 33%, 77%) ¤ hsl(30, 16%, 30%) ¤ hsl(88, 85%, 29%) ¤ BGE
12 Appears in My Little Pony Best Gift Ever during One More Day. He is a character called "Unlucky Pony" in Gameloft's mobile game; his bio states, "This young foal may be used to having the Buckball yanked out from under him -- but he's positive that his favorite little tree is PERFECT for Hearth's Warming." See also Issue 23 Unnamed Colt - Charlie Brown and S05E16 Unnamed Earth Stallion #9. UEC1 ID MLPBGE.png S09E06 Unnamed Earth Filly #1 earth earth filly filly hsl(36, 67%, 78%) ¤ hsl(24, 35%, 31%) ¤ hsl(48, 27%, 25%) ¤ 9
40 Appears in Common Ground outside the Appleloosa buckball stadium. References Natty Gann in The Journey of Natty Gann. UEF1 ID S9E6.png Fan
S09E06 Unnamed Earth Colt #1 earth earth colt colt hsl(219, 33%, 84%) ¤ hsl(199, 47%, 42%) ¤ hsl(205, 53%, 60%) ¤ 9
40 Appears in Common Ground getting the Ponyville buckball team's autographs. Shares his mane and tail style and eye color with Chipcutter. Voiced by Ashleigh Ball. UEC1 ID S9E6.png S09E14 Unnamed Earth Filly #1 earth earth filly filly hsl(53, 42%, 99%) ¤ hsl(0, 65%, 46%) ¤ hsl(91, 74%, 56%) ¤ 9
17 Appears in The Last Laugh as a worker at Cheese Sandwich's Amusement Factory. Her body design matches those of later filly Fluttershy, "Pearly Whites", Plaid Stripes, Crystal Hoof, later filly Applejack, later filly Derpy, "Thunderstruck", later filly Pear Butter, and Spur. UEM2 ID S9E14.png S09E22 Unnamed Pegasus Colt #1 pegasus pegasus colt colt hsl(61, 100%, 90%) ¤ hsl(353, 66%, 45%) ¤ hsl(116, 52%, 46%) ¤ 9
22 Appears in Growing Up is Hard to Do attending the Appleloosa County Fair. Shares his design with Rumble. UPC1 ID S9E22.png S09E26 Unnamed Pegasus Filly #1 pegasus pegasus filly filly hsl(108, 62%, 80%) ¤ hsl(333, 82%, 83%) ¤ hsl(274, 43%, 55%) ¤ 9
26 Appears in The Last Problem in future Canterlot. UPF1 ID S9E26.png S09E26 Unnamed Unicorn Filly #1 unicorn unicorn filly filly hsl(296, 27%, 58%) ¤ hsl(334, 78%, 98%) ¤ hsl(45, 94%, 68%) ¤ 9
26 Appears in The Last Problem in future Canterlot. UUF1 ID S9E26.png

Tangerine PNG

Source: https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_ponies/Foals

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